Mrs. Irehsa Dilrukshi Fernando
The President
Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps Seva Vanitha Branch
On the 7th of November 2023, Mrs. Iresha Dilrukshi Fernando assumed the role of Chairperson for the Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps Seva Vanitha Branch (SLAOC-SVB) in a modest ceremony held at the SLAOC Regimental Headquarters.
Mrs. Iresha Dilrukshi is a distinguished alumna of St. Anthony’s Girls College Kandy, where she pursued her Advanced Level studies in the Art stream. She holds a Bachelor of Arts qualification from the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka. Throughout her journey with the Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps, Mrs. Iresha Dilrukshi Fernando has consistently demonstrated unwavering support for the welfare of Ordnance spouses and families.
Under her patronage, the Seva Vanitha Branch has executed numerous invaluable projects aimed at assisting underprivileged children and families. Mrs. Fernando has actively contributed to enhancing the image of the Seva Vanitha roles, striving to unify all Seva Vanitha members under the Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps Seva Vanitha Branch. Her efforts are directed towards pursuing common goals and interests.
Mrs. Iresha Dilrukshi Fernando pledges to fulfill her term as President of the Seva Vanitha Branch with utmost dedication and commitment.
The gallant security forces of Sri Lanka were able to shatter the attitude which had been profoundly instilled in mindsets of international communities on the indestructible nature of the terrorist organization and to liberate the country mesmerizing the entire world from the ruthless terrorism which had engulfed the motherland for nearly three decades. It is very apparent that the ever-memorable glorious victory was gained through solid political and administrative leadership and the indomitable determination and dedication of armed forces. The courageous and supportive force behind this chronological victory by rendering an extraordinary incomparable silent service was none other than the spouse of the warrior.
The spouse was thoroughly accustomed to his generous service in the battlefield and thereby she shouldered all household responsibilities and obligations in no hesitation. Under such atmospheres, she tolerated all adversities and difficulties. This aided the valiant field soldier to fight over the enemy in gigantic strength, mental comfort and tranquil psyche. It must be undeniably accepted that war heroes' spouses became an influential factor to attain the ever amazing triumph in our history.
Moreover, having well-organized within the regiment, they nursed the wounded and differently able soldiers to boldly regain physical recovery while elevating their mental status with indomitable courage. And also they launched a varied welfare campaigns on behalf of them.
With the expansion of war Sri Lanka Army Organization also nourished by strength, techniques and the aspect of Logistics support. At the same time the victims of war and the number of brave solders sacrificed their lives also increased. Therefore the Army Seva Vanitha Branch also happen to expend suit to the present requirement.
As a result of that Regimental Seva Vanitha Branchers were established. And started various activities to uplift the welfare and living stranded of the Officers and Solders fighting in heavy battle front.
As the regimental history Ordnance Seva Vanitha Branch started in this same environment and the initial seeds were laid in the period of 1998/99 period and now it is cultivated as a large tree providing a massive shade for all members of the Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps.