Major RMPKI Rathnayake
Maj Indika Rathnayake Lsc who was born on 18th March 1984, is a proud product of B/ Bogahakumbura Maha Vidyalaya and Welimada Central College. This senior officer joined the Regular force of the Sri Lanka Army on 07th November 2004 as an Officer Cadet of KDU intake 22. Upon successful completion of basic military training at Kothalawala Defence University and Sri Lanka Military Academy, Diyathalawa, he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant and assigned to the Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps on 07th November 2006.
Throughout his military tenure, Maj Indika Rathnayake has undertaken various roles encompassing both operational and non-operational spheres. These include positions such as Platoon Commander of HQ 56 Div, Group Officer of 2 SLAOC (ANP), OC of FOD (WLO), Adjutant of 2 SLAOC (ANP), SO III of RHQ SLAOC, OFFG SO II (LOG) of RHQ SLAOC, Overlooking SO II (Procurement) of Directorate of Ordnance Services (AHQ), SO III (A) of RHQ SLAOC, SO III (S & M Tender) of Master General Ordnance Branch, Overlooking SO 2 (S & M) of HQ SF (W), Sports Officer of RHQ SLAOC, Chief Instructor of Sch of Ordnance (Dombagoda), ASL (TCO) of SYN DS (Trg Team 2 - JNR Middle Grade Offr Trg Group), Group Officer of 1 SLAOC (PNG), 2nd in Commander of 1 SLAOC (PNG), Overlooking Commanding Officer of 1 SLAOC (PNG). Presently, this senior officer is serving as the Officiating Commanding Officer of 5th Regiment Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps Palaly.
To his Credit, he has attended a number of local and foreign courses of academic and professional value. It includes BSC in Management and Technical science at KDU, Young Officer Course (ITC/CRTS/ATS), Junior Logistic Staff Course - ASL (TCO), Lsc Refresher Course - Sch of Ord (Dombagoda), English Course at KDU Prior to Lsc No : 04, Logistics Staff Course No : 04 at ASL – (TCO), Foreign Study Tour Logistics Staff Course No : 04 (India), Program for Logistics Staff Officer in China, Programme for Ammunition Technology and Management in China, MSC in Mechanical Engineering in Chain, Foreign Study Tour Logistics Staff Course No : 07 (Pakistan),JSC (AD) 61 linked with Mid Career Course (ORD) - 55 in Pakistan .
In recognition of his service, The senior officer has been awarded the East Humanitarian Operation Medal, North Humanitarian Operation Medal, Sewabimani Padakkama, Service Medal. Maj Rathnayake is married to Mrs. SMD Menaka Perera and is blessed with a daughter named Diyana and a son named Liyon.