
Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps

Sua Tela Tonati


Maj HMCCB Herath USP Lsc ato


First Coy of SLAOC(V) was established at the Panagoda Cantonment on 05 May 1980 with 6 Officers and 138 ORs. Then the new establishments was approved by the AHQ and the company was established as a Unit on 01 December 1995 and named as the 4 SLAOC(V). Maj BSG Nanayakkara was the 1st commanding officer of the Unit.

Later on, this Unit was shifted to the Dombagoda Camp on 10 October 1999 for the purpose of providing security to the Regimental Centre.

In 2001, this was shifted from Dombagoda Camp to Salawa, Kosgama. After serving one year there, the same was re-established at the Panagoda cantonment in 2002.

Since then, they had been involved with the technical and other duties of the Regimental Centre and 1 SLAOC. They were also deployed in internal security duties at the 11 Division headquarters.

Due to the shortfall of Officers of the Unit, following officers were enlisted to the Unit on pay and pension basis and were deployed in the following locations.

S/N Rank Name
1. Capt RM Rajapaksha - Rear HQ (Vauniya)
2. Lt SG Austin - RHQ SLAOC)
3. Lt KG Vincent - QM (ATS Maduruoya)
4. Lt NH Pathirana - Computer Section (Maradana)
5. Lt W Sumanasena - QM 4 SLAOC (V)
6. Lt TH Silva - SLAVF (G Br)
7. Lt S Chandrasoma - SO III (A) 22 DIV)

Later on this volunteer Unit was established as an independent Unit at the Welisara Government Explosives Depot premises on 1 February 2006. Their main duties included maintainance of security of the Welisara State AmmUnitions Depot, the Army AmmUnitions Depot and the maintaining of security in the adjoint areas.

An establishment of 28 Officers and 575 Other Ranks were approved for internal security duties on 09 January 2007.

This Unit was shifted to the previous Forward Ordnancce Depot location at Kandy on 10 July 2010. A billet for ORs, a cafeteria, and a welfare shop was established from the Regimental funds.

With the placement of 11 Division Headquarters at Pallekale in Kandy, technical and other administrative Ordnance activities of a Ordnance Regiment were initiated on 01 September 2010.

Lt Col EMM Fernando AATO Lsc assumed duties as the first regular Commanding Officer on 02 November 2011.

The Unit was assigned to provide Ordnance support to the Forward Ordnance Depot-Diyathalawa, Hambantota and Ordnance Store Section-Udawalawa from 01 February 2012.


S/N Rank Name From To
1. Maj BSG Nanayakkara 05.10.1999 01.07.2005
2. Lt Col BSG Nanayakkara 01.07.2005 25.04.2006
3. Maj LARPK Liyanaarachchi 25.04.2006 09.01.2007
4. Maj LARPK Liyanaarachchi 09.01.2007 17.05.2007
5. Maj NDP Jayathilake 17.05.2007 12.02.2009
6. Lt Col NDP Jayathilake 12.02.2009 02.11.2011
7. Lt Col EMM Fernando AATO Lsc 02.11.2011 14.12.2013
8. Lt Col J Ranahewa ato 14.12.2013 14.09.2015
9. Lt Col WMAN Warnasooriya ato 14.09.2015 11.12.2017
10. Lt Col JIBW Pallekumbura ato 11.12.2017 31.12.2019
11. Lt Col WMSMB Wansekara AATO 01.01.2020 04.03.2022
12. Maj N G J P Thilakaratne psc AATO 04.03.2022 03.07.2024
13. Maj HMCCB Herath USP Lsc ato 04.07.2024 Up to Date