
Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps

Sua Tela Tonati

23rd January 2018 15:01:47 Hours


Regimental Headquarters of Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps conducts officers’ training day once a quarter of the year and 3quarter training day was held on 26 September 2017 atSLAOC Regimental Centre premises. The training day started with physical training and drill sessions for young officers andDrNanda Wijerathnaconducted a lectureon “What is Healthy Life”. The lecture was mainly based on AyurvedicScience which was improved by sages in olden days. The lecture was very interested andbenefited for all officersto maintaintheir physicalstandards. The Training day proceedings concluded with valuable lecture on cyber security which was discussed on dinner’s club activity held at officer’s mess. The lecture conducted by a representatives of Zillon Technology (pvt) Ltd.