
Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps

Sua Tela Tonati

23rd January 2018 15:01:47 Hours


Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps bid farewell to the outgoing Colonel Commandant Major General RV Udawatta psc ato on 28 July 2017 who retired after serving more than 35 years in the Regular Force of the Sri Lanka Army.

The ceremony was held in its formal way according to military traditions and customs at Regimental Centre premises of SLAOC in Dombagoda.The ceremony commenced with the ceremonial guard turnout awarded at the entrance. SLAOC troops resented charming but dignified guard of honour saluteto Maj Gen R V Udawatta at the parade groundsin order to pay tribute for his valuable service rendered for the Corps of Ordnance.After taking group photographs with Officers and other rankers, the outgoing Colonel Commandant opened the newly constructed accommodation building at WOs and Sgt mess followed by all rank tea at ORs; mess.At the troop address Col Comdt emphasized the importance of team work and how to achieve organizational goals by working as a one group.Later he placed his official signature and handed over the responsibilities of Colonel Commandant appoinment of the SLAOC to his successor.At the evening the colourfull farewell dinner was hosted at the officers mess in RHQ SLAOC in honour of outgoing Colonel Commandant Maj Gen R V Udawatta and Mrs. Deepika Udawatta chairperson of SLAOC SVU.Senior Officers and Officers with their lady wives graced the occasion.