
Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps

Sua Tela Tonati

School of Ordnance

At the end of 1990, LTTE terrorists produced a mortar launcher called "Pasilan 2000" and used it against the Sri Lanka Army. This weapon was able to deliver a 50 kg explosive to a distance of 500m. Terrorists attacked Mullaitivu, Silawathura and Karainagar Naval Camps using this weapon.

In order to repulse these attacks, then commander of the 2 Div Major General DL Kobbekaduwa RWP RSP VSV USP rcds psc entrusted his officers with the task of finding the possibility of producing a new weapon that could curtail and bring damage to the enemy. Consequently, a mortar launcher of 8 inches diameter fixed to a 8 meter long tractor trailer and a bomb of 15 kg in weight that could be delivered to a range of 800m was produced by Lt Col DSG Kempitiya ato (Deceased Brigadier DSG Kempitiya USP ato) and Commanding Officer of the Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Lt Col Piyasoma (Retired). In order to honour the officers who produced the mortar launcher and the bomb, the mortar bomb was named as "KEMPIYA" by joining the first letters of the surnames of those two officers.

As a result of these researches, the first Ordnance Factory was established by then Lt Col DSG Kempitiya USP ato on 12th June 1992 with staff headed by Capt HL Guruge, 1 Warrant Officer, 5 NCOs and 9 soldiers. At final stage the following weapons and bombs were produced in the Ordnance Factory.

a. 198 mm K8 Mortar launcher - 4 Nos
b. 99 mm K4 Mortar (5 barrels) - 1 No

This was a landmark achievement in the history of the Sri Lanka Army as this was the first instance guns and Ammunition were locally produced A heavy weapon K8 (Kempiya) its bombs were produced using modern electronic technology. Furthermore, the 'Trip flairs' project was the most successful project among the many projects undertaken by the Ordnance Factory. The Factory has gained a tremendous recondition and had inspected by several Army Commanders in a number of occasions. Even today, the weapons stand majestically in front of the Regimental Center symbolizing grandeur and heritage.

The first Officer Commanding of the camp was Captain HL Guruge. Since then, the camp has been under the Command of 4 Officer Commanding and had been commanded by a Commanding Officer from 16th January 1997.The first Commanding Officer was Major TMSHB Madugalle (Retired Lt Col). Since then, the camp was under the Command of three Commanding Officers and from 1st June 1999 the institutional head was renamed as the school commandant. The first Commandant was Lt Col NB Nikahetiya ato SLAOC (Retired Colonel). To date, School of Ordnance and Factory has been headed by a Commandant.

Ordnance School was established in the Panagoda Cantonment by the Commander of the 1 Division Major General JRS De Silva(Retired) the invitation of Lt Col JPA Jayawardene (Retired Brigadier) in 1991. Later, the Sch of Ord was relocated at the Dombagoda factory premises on 20th May 1995.

Ordnances School has a proud history of 18 years of excellent service and stands among one of the best Army Training Schools. The Ordnance School has a fully fledged professional training centre offering courses on QMs, RQMSs, Ammo Storemen, Storemen, Tailoring, and also Recruits training. In addition to this, they also contribute for the leadership training course offered to university entrants.

Commanding Officers Of Sch Of Ord

S/N Name From To
01. Maj CRS Fernando 06.04.1998 08.05.1998
02. Maj DSA Dehiwatta ato 20.07.1998 25.02.1999
03. Lt Col NB Nikahetiya ato 01.06.1999 08.03.2000
04. Maj DSA Dehiwatta ato 08.03.2000 21.05.2001
05. Maj HMUB Herath RSP AATO Lsc 17.01.2000 04.04.2002
06. Maj AS Amarasinghe ato 28.12.2000 26.09.2002
07. Maj CU Marasinghe 12.04.2002 19.06.2002
08. Maj AS Amarasinghe AATO 19.06.2002 20.05.2003
09. Maj HL Guruge AATO 20.05.2003 07.09.2003

Commandants Of Sch Of Ord

S/N Name From To
01. Lt Col TMSHB Madugalle 07.09.2003 08.11.2004
02. Maj HGI Vidyananda AAT O Lsc 08.11.2004 01.12.2004
03. Lt Col HGI Vidyananda AATO Lsc 01.12.2004 07.01.2006
04. Lt Col SHM Tilakaratne AATO 27.01.2006 21.05.2001
05. Lt Col SMWBN Thalagahawatta ato 21.06.2006 04.04.2002
06. Lt Col HL Guruge AATO 13.09.2007 26.09.2002
07. Maj LSM Vithanage 29.07.2008 19.06.2002
08. Maj RLC Fernando 04.09.2008 20.05.2003
09. Maj LSM Vithanage 06.12.2008 24.01.2009
10. Maj EP Hennadige 24.01.2009 06.02.2009
11. Lt Col EP Hennadige 06.02.2009 09.03.2010
12. Lt Col GA Munasinghe RSP ato 19.03.2010 23.05.2011
13. Lt Col EMM Fernando AATO Lsc 23.05.2011 27.09.2011
14. Lt Col SNA Dissanayaka ato 27.09.2011 09.05.2012
15. Lt Col WMSN wijekoon AATO 09.05.2012 08.01.2014
16. Col JPH Gamage USP AATO 08.01.2014 16.04.2014
17. Lt Col GA Munasinghe RSP ato 21.04.2014 08.01.2015
18. Col JPH Gamage USP AATO 08.01.2015 20.01.2017
19. Col SMWBN Thalaghawattha ato 20.01.2017 06.12.2018
20. Col CS Dissanayake ato 06.12.2018 01.04.2020
21. Lt Col ADJ Adhikari AATO 01.05.2020 14.11.2020
22. Lt Col GTS Silva USP ato Lsc 19.11.2020 20.01.2022
23. Col WMAN Warnasooriya ato 21.01.2022 06.03.2024
24. Col AGCR Amarasinghe USP ato 07.03.2024 03.07.2024
25. Lt Col WKSP Walakanda USP Lsc ato 04.07.2024 09.07.2024
26. Col WKSP Walakanda USP Lsc ato 10.07.2024 Up to Date