
Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps

Sua Tela Tonati

18th November 2019 12:24:09 Hours


Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps organized a farewell to the outgoing Quarter Master General of Sri Lanka Army and Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps Major General HGI Vidyananda VSV USP AATO Lsc on 11 November 2019 who retired after serving almost 34 years in the Regular Force of the Sri Lanka Army. The ceremony was held in its formal way according to military traditions and customs at Regimental Centre premises of SLAOC in Dombagoda.

The ceremony commenced with the ceremonial guard turnout at the entrance. SLAOC troops presented charming but dignified guard of honour salute to Maj Gen HGI Vidyananda VSV USP AATO Lsc at the parade ground in order to pay tribute for his valuable service rendered to the Corps of Ordnance.

After taking group photographs with Officers and Other Ranks, the outgoing Colonel Commandant sapling a tree to remark the occasion and followed by all rank tea at ORs’ mess.

At the troop address Col Comdt emphasized the importance of team work and how to achieve organizational goals by working as a one group and the important of protecting resources. Then he thanked everyone for the contribution and dedication of all to achieve organizational goals.

At the evening the colorful and glamorous Mess Night was hosted at the officers’ mess at RHQ SLAOC in honour of outgoing Colonel Commandant Maj Gen HGI Vidyananda VSV USP AATO Lsc. Senior Officers’ and Officers with their spouse graced the occasion.

The farewell speech was conducted by Brig CU Marasinghe RSP USP Director Ord Svcs and Maj Gen HGI Vidyananda VSV USP AATO Lsc appreciated every military personnel who served under him in Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps at his farewell speech. To mark the end of the ceremony Maj Gen HGI Vidyananda VSV USP AATO Lsc and Mrs HGI Vidyananda were presented with a token of appreciation by Dir Ord Svcs in order to pay tribute to the excellent services that he rendered to the Corps of Ordnance.