
Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps

Sua Tela Tonati

23rd January 2018 15:01:47 Hours


The inaugural session of Productivity Improvement Progamme 2016, organized by Sri Lanka Institute of Textile and Apparel (SLITA) - Rathmalana, was held on 19 May 2016 at the auditorium of SLITA.

Tailoring section of Army Ordnance Factory had been selected to this programme and the object of the programme was to increase productivity in every aspect of factory development and to educate the relevant factory staff to make proficient by comprehending the consultancy technically and managerially.

Mr. M A Thajubeen, Additional Secretary, Chairman of SLITA, Mr. Robert V Peries, Director General SLITA, Mr. S Ilangovan, Director Trg and Technical, Col HL Guruge AATO , Commandant Army Ordnance Factory, Other factory CEOS and a few other senior Officers of SLITA were present at the occasion.