Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

22nd July 2024 15:07:28 Hours


Refresher programme is a training initiative designed to provide employees with new skills, methods and professional growth. The Sri Lanka Military Academy (SLMA) generally conducts refresher programmes at the beginning of each semester, to ensure the continuous professional development of its staff.

At the beginning of the mid-term break, a two-day refresher programme for Officers and Other Ranks was held with an Opening Address by Commandant Major General ULJS Perera RSP USP psc on 12 July at the Sino-Lanka Friendship Auditorium, where he highlighted seven key habits for improving training standards: lesson familiarity, practice, knowledge updates, learners understanding, observation, learner engagement, and self-development. The programme included separate sessions for Officers, Academic and Language Lecturers, and Other Rank Instructors. On 12 July evening, Lieutenant Colonel KGS Abeysuriya (Rtd) RSP psc GW contributed the refresher programme with an insightful lecture and discussion on “Officer Cadet Training and the Process” at the Officers’ Mess. On the morning of 13 July, the Commandant conducted a comprehensive lecture on ‘Military Leadership’ to all Officers at Col Fazely Laphir Auditorium.

The two-day programme, which aimed at invigorating the trainers in their roles at SLMA, concluded on the evening of 13 July with closing remarks.