Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

19th June 2024 17:01:45 Hours


Games Night is one of the fascinating events organized by officer cadets on a date notified in the training programme. In general, all officer cadets of the passing-out Intakes are given with the privilege of entertaining their guests at this event. Also, it is organized with the aim of developing leadership skills such as collaboration, teamwork, cooperation and organizing skills of the officer cadets while providing them with an opportunity to have some entertainment amidst their busy training schedules.

The specialty of the Games Night - 2024 was that it was organized after 5 years of silence due to varied socio-economic situations and other concerns of the country. This time, the event was organized by the Officer Cadets of Intake 93 and the Officer Cadets of passing-out Intakes namely Intake 93 B, SC 21 and SC 22 were able to entertain their family members and loved ones at the Games Night to their contentment.

The Games Night consisted of Tombola Draw, interesting games, fun activities, food stalls and a grand DJ. In fact, valuable gifts were presented to the winners of the Tombola Draw and other Games. The event was held as an outdoor event in the Headquarters premises of the Sri Lanka Military Academy and the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Military Academy, Maj Gen ULJS Perera RSP USP psc graced the event as the Chief Guest along with Deputy Commandant, Wing Heads, senior officers, officers and their families, officer cadets and their family members.