Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

08th June 2024 10:03:34 Hours


The Security Force Headquarters (Cen) is the regional command of the Sri Lanka Army which is entrusted with the responsibility of operational deployment and command of all Army establishments, located in the Central and Southern parts of the country. On 6 June 2024, the Security Force Commander (Cen), Maj Gen SRB Aluvihare RWP RSP ndu psc paid an official visit to the SLMA upon the request of the newly appointed Commandant, Maj Gen ULJS Perera RSP USP psc.

The Commander- SF (Cen) was received with a warm welcome by the Commandant along with the Deputy Commandant, Wing Heads and other senior officers of the Military Academy. In honor of his official visit, a traditional Guard Turnout was accorded at the ‘A’ gate, and the Commander laid a floral wreath at the Monument of Peace as a tribute to fallen heroes. Afterwards, the Commander made this visit a meaningful one with an Officers’ Address, which carried his year-long experiences, expertise and insights in elevating the Academy’s standards. He was presented with a memento by the Commandant in marking his visit to the SLMA, and together with the Commandant and other senior officers, he posed for a group photograph. In hospitality, the Commander was hosted with refreshments at the VIP Lobby, and a note regarding his official visit was inscribed in the Visitors’ Book before departing from the SLMA.