Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

04th June 2024 15:04:02 Hours


‘Ex Seetha Sulang’ is one of the major Field military exercises, which is conducted for the trainees at the SLMA in order to give an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge on conventional warfare tactics and engagements gained during their initial military training in a designed setting to expose them to as close practical situations as possible.

From 28 May to 31 May 2024, Intake 93 consisting of seventy two Officer Cadets at present participated in Exercise Seetha Sulang at the general area Fox Hill. During this field exercise, the Officer Cadets were engaged in planning and executing Platoon level tactical operations on ground in different imaginary military circumstances under the instructions and close supervision of the instructional body of the Military Academy. The valuable experience which the trainee Officer Cadets gained from this field exercise will be undoubtedly useful to these trainees when they engage with the next conventional type field exercise, known as ‘Ex. Frozen Trout’ conducted in general area, Ambewela in time to come.