Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

29th May 2024 18:23:55 Hours

Bidding Farewell to Maj Gen Thushara Mahalekam

In honour of the outgoing Commandant, Maj Gen M T I Mahalekam WWV RWP RSP USP ndu psc, the Sri Lanka Military Academy organized a splendid farewell ceremony.

On 19th May, a special lunch for the outgoing Commandant was hosted by the Other Ranks at the Warrant Officers and Sergeants’ Mess. On 20th morning, Maj Gen M T I Mahalekam WWV RWP RSP USP ndu psc was honoured with a Guard Turnout at the ‘A’ Gate followed by a wreath laying to the Monument of Peace and a Ceremonial Parade commanded by the Chief Instructor - Military Training Wing, Colonel U N G Karunaratne RSP psc with the participation of Officers, NCOs and Officer Cadets of the Academy. After the parade formalities, the outgoing Commandant attended to the handing over formalities at the Commandant’s Office. Then, he remembered to leave a living memory at the SLMA premises by planting an ‘Ironwood’ sapling by the wayside of the main drive to the Headquarters. Afterwards, the Commandant’s Troop Address was held at the Sino- Lanka Friendship Auditorium with the participation of all Academy personnel where the Commandant made it a point to appreciate everyone’s contribution and teamwork during his tenure. Afterwards, a traditional tea party organized customarily by the Academy staff was presented to the Commandant. After that, Major General Thushara Mahalekam WWV RWP RSP USP ndu psc made a note of his nostalgic thoughts of his tenure on the Visitors' Book.

On 21st evening a farewell party was held at the Officers’ Mess with the participation of all Officers of the Academy. The unprecedented and committed service of Maj Gen M T I Mahalekam WWV RWP RSP USP ndu psc to the Military Academy during his tenures was greatly appreciated where the Commandant took that opportunity to share his experience in different walks of his military life. In gratitude, all the Officers of the Academy presented him with a special plaque as a token of appreciation and hosted a special dinner at the Officers’ Mess.

The outgoing Commandant’s departure was significantly complimented by a traditional Street Line which stretched from the SLMA Headquarters to the main gate by invoking blessings and wishes to the outgoing Commandant by all Officers, Other Ranks, and Officer Cadets and Civil employees for a remarkable voyage ahead.