Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

06th May 2024 14:58:02 Hours


Since the inception of the officer cadet training at the Sri Lanka Military Academy formerly known as Army Training Center (ATC), Diyatalawa in 1968, the Cadet Government was introduced to bridge the gap between Officer Instructors and Officer Cadets and also to meet the required moral standards and leadership qualities of Officer Cadets. When awarding Cadet Government appointments, officer cadet’s performance in Military Subjects (including OQ Work Grade), English and Current Affairs, Officer Qualities and Extracurricular Activities such as achievement in competitions, participation in Club activities, voluntary contribution to the Organization etc.) is highly considered and meticulously evaluated.

On 30th April 2024, Cadet Government Appointment Awarding Ceremony of the first half of the year 2024 was held at the Sino Lanka Friendship Auditorium with the participation of the Commanding Officer- Officer Cadet Wing, Colonel AMDB Adhikari RWP RSP psc as the Chief Guest along with the Wing Heads, Officers, Other Rank Instructors and Officer Cadets. The Awarding Ceremony of the first half of 2024 brought promotions to thirteen Officer Cadets of Intake 93 which included one Cadet Sergeant, Four Cadet Corporals and eight Cadet Lance Corporals.

By speaking to the Government appointment holders and the rest of the Officer Cadets in the audience, the Commanding Officer congratulated the newly appointed Cadet Government appointment holders and highlighted the significant intermediary role that these appointment holders are expected to play in order to meet the training objectives of the Academy. On the other hand, he made clear the prime intention of the Cadet Government, which is to offer opportunities for the trainee Officer Cadets at the Military Academy to practically exercise their command and control over their subordinates in the verge of becoming competent junior leaders of the Sri Lanka Army.