Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

11th January 2024 12:08:51 Hours


‘The Language Day’ is considered to be one of the major events of the Academy’s calendar that allows trainee officer cadets to showcase their dramatic performances, esthetic skills and multiple creativities on stage through a wide range of entertaining activities such as skits, dramas, songs, dances, analysis, recitation etc.

Having successfully completed a three-month language package (English and Tamil) and also a comprehensive IT package prior to the commencement of basic military training at the Military Academy, Intake Short Course 21 consisting of 88 officer cadets came up with their aesthetic skills at The Language Day - 2024, themed ‘Metamorphosis Takes Off’ with an array of interesting stage performances, which included English and Tamil dramas, playlets, songs, song analysis, storytelling and speeches, held at the Sino-Lanka Friendship Auditorium with the gracious presence of the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Military Academy, Major General MTI Mahalekam WWV RWP RSP USP ndu psc along with the Deputy Commandant, all Wing Heads, senior officers, officers and families, and officer cadets of other intakes under training.

More importantly, the academic work of officer cadets that was practiced during their language programme was displayed at the main entrance of the auditorium for the audience attending the event. The cadets' notebooks, portfolios, day journals, and reading materials, among other items, were showcased and highly appreciated by the Chief Guest and other officers.

The officer cadets of the intake provided a stunning cinematic experience that completely immersed the esteemed audience in a fascinating world of music, acting, and dancing. This also served as a fine platform for the officer cadets to showcase their linguistic potential, dramatic skills, and hidden aesthetic talents. This experience will propel them through a magnificent journey of metamorphosis—a transformative process from a 'loathsome caterpillar' to an 'awesome butterfly.'