Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

13th July 2023 18:50:21 Hours


“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” - Plato

Music is one of the cultural and universal languages of all mankind. Staging of the indoor musical concert, “Three Thal” led by the Academy band, “THE LEADS” took place on 1 July 2023 for the third consecutive year in magnetism and glamour with the prime aim of showcasing the aesthetic skills of trainee officer cadets in varied genres such as singing, dancing, instrumental play and dramatic skills , which also provides an opportunity to revitalize tiresome and tensed mindsets of young trainees.

“Three Thal-2023” was comprised of two sessions including popular music and dancing sessions by Officers and Officer Cadets through group songs, medleys, duets, dancing and instrumental mashups with the different aesthetic contribution of the trainee foreign Officer Cadets and song analysis termed as, “Geeyaka Arutha” conducted by Maj T S N K Peiris psc SLSC and Maj K H D Nilanga SLAGSC. Meanwhile, reflecting the ancient dancing traditions of southern Sri Lanka, ‘Salu Paliya' and 'Gini Sisila' performed during the intermission heightened the entertainment of all spectators.

This spectacular event was graced by Major General I A N B Perera RWP USP ndu psc, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Military Academy as the Chief Guest with his family while the Deputy Commandant, all Wing Heads, Officers and their families, Other Rank Instructors and their families also gathered at Sino Lanka Friendship Auditorium to share this distinct musical experience.