Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

28th January 2023 14:25:06 Hours


The members of the Association of Retired Flag Rank Officers (ARFRO) which is formed by the retired officers of tri-services toured the Sri Lanka Military Academy on 28th January 2023. Amongst the retired veteran members of the ARFRO were Gen C S Weerasuriya the 16th Commandant and former Commander of the Sri Lanka Army, Gen S H S Kottegoda former Commander of the Army, Air Chief Marshal G P Bulathsinhala former Commander of the Air Force, Gen L C R Gunawardane 18th Commandant along with some of the retired flag rank Officers of the tri services and their spouses.

Upon their arrival, the delegation was cordially welcomed by the Commandant together with Deputy Commandant and Wing Heads at the main entrance of the Academy. Afterwards, comprehensive briefings on the Monument, Parade Ground and Mission Structure were given to the distinguished guests at the respective places. Once the members were accompanied into the Sino-Lanka Friendship Auditorium, they were officially welcomed by the Commandant with honour and respect. Afterwards, the role and tasks of the SLMA were conveyed to the august gathering through the SLMA documentary. Then, the members of the association posed for a group photograph with the Commandant and staff at the Officer Cadets’ Mess where tea and a casual interaction with faculty members were organized. More interestingly, Gen C S Weerasuriya recorded the experience of this special journey in the Visitors’ Book at the Officer Cadets’ Mess. Finally, the members of the ARFRO witnessed the Cadets’ Accommodation Blocks at the Thistle Camp and the Academy Museum located at the Ella Camp.