Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

08th July 2022 00:00:00 Hours


Refresher programme is a training programme designed to equip employees with new skills, approaches and processes in achieving professional enhancements. The SLMA conducted a refresher programme for its staff when stepping into the second half of the year 2022. On 8 July 2022, the opening address of the Refresher Programme was held at the Sino-Lanka Friendship Auditorium with the participation of the Commandant, Major General WWHRRVMNDKB Niyangoda RWP RSP USP ndu psc who volunteered to conduct the initial session of the refresher programme on Motivation for Training for all ranks of the Academy.

The officer refresher programme involved a series of timely important subjects such as Role of the Wings, Preparation for Training Events, Army Physical Training Policy, Role of a Supervisor in Supervising Extended Essays etc. In line with some of the theoretical disciplines, practical sessions and demonstrations were conducted for Operation Room Documentation in IS warfare (Ex Scorpion), Instructors’ Role in Section Battle Drills, Employment of Platoon Special Weapons and Special Arms in Exercises, Radio Communication, Military Posture, IS Package and Conventional Package. Meanwhile, two separate programmes for the Academy lecturers/ language instructors and Other Rank Instructors were held in conjunction with the main refresher programme. The former was initiated for the first time to meet the academic enhancement of the lecturers and language instructors of the Academic Wing at the Academy library. The latter was held in Sinhala medium to empower the other ranks instructors with the required military knowledge and exposure through an array of lectures, demonstrations and practical sessions. In addition, a special practical session on digging trenches was conducted successfully at Fox Hill area. All these sub refresher sessions were contributed by the Deputy Commandant, Wing Heads and the Officers with expertise in the respective subject areas.

On 11 July, a series of discussions were brought forth to the forum by each Wing on identification of challenges and proposal of viable solutions in order to provide a productive service to the Academy in accomplishment of the mission, vision and objectives of the Academy through a proper synchronization of its echelons. To conclude with, the Commandant made the closing remarks of a four-day refresher training programme which could energize the trainers in discharging their responsible services for the premier military training establishment.