Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

03rd July 2022 14:39:35 Hours


Energy sources can be considered as a key element that controls the lives of humans in the ontemporary world. Transport, production processes and daily household activities largely rely on the availability of energy sources. The energy sources can be mainly divided into two categories as Non-Renewable Energy Sources like coal and fossil fuels and Renewable Energy Sources such as solar power, wind power, geo thermal energy and bio gas. At present the world has started to promote renewable energy sources due to the prevailing energy crisis. Thus, bio gas is promoted as an alternative energy source to address the issues of current deficit and high expenditure of LP gas. Bio gas is a renewable energy source that can be generated through controlled anaerobic digestion of organic waste.

A bio gas production unit for the OR’s kitchen of SLMA was established on 03 July 2022 by Maj THJC Somathilaka SLEME and Capt JAD Weerasingha CES under the guidance of the Commandant and Deputy Commandant, which will provide a substitute to LP gas used in the kitchen. By implementing this bio gas unit, the daily LPG requirement of the OR’s kitchen can be partially provided. Further, the generated bio gas will be an economical solution to address the current deficit in availability of LPG.