Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

04th June 2022 11:28:38 Hours


Exercise Scorpion is one of the major field exercises conducted in the penultimate term of officer cadets’ military training to give them a practical knowledge on Internal Security (IS) Operations where civilians and public institutions are actively involved in controlling insurgency situations. From 29 May to 04 June 2022, this Filed Exercise was conducted in four detachments established at Bodhi Maluwaramaya Temple, Kalyani Yogashramaya, Kadurugoda Temple, Welihelagama and SLMA - Torch Cinema for Intake 91 consisting of 133 Officer Cadets.

During the whole Exercise, the participants were provided with a wide-range of knowledge and exposure on Road Blocks, manning of VP’s and KP’s, VIP Protection, CIMIC activities, Crowd Dispersal, Cordon and Search operations and functioning of operation rooms.

Maj Gen WWHRRVMNDKB Niyangoda RWP RSP USP ndu psc, the Commandant of the military academy paid his frequent casual visits to Exercise areas to ensure the purpose of the Exercise served and the trainees were well-settled to gain the outcome. The Commandant’s visit on 3 June was to receive the orders of upcoming Cordon and Search operation and its execution was also witnessed the following day.

Meanwhile, senior Officers, Officers and OR Instructors of the Sri Lanka Military Academy extended their support collectively to make this a success in an environment where the Exercise was shifted to the general area, Diyatalawa due to certain administrative constraints.