Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

22nd April 2022 08:14:13 Hours


The Opening Address of the Direct Enlisted Intake 2 in the year 2022 consisting of 31 trainees in the profession of medical, quantity survey, engineering, music, cooking and agriculture marked the instigation of their basic military training at the Sino Lanka Friendship Auditorium by Maj Gen WWHRRVMNDKB Niyangoda RWP RSP USP ndu psc, the Commandant-SLMA on 21 April 2022, which was attended by all Wing Heads, senior officers, officers and some of the other rank instructors.

By speaking to the trainees for the first time, the Commandant instructed them to uphold the military values and traditions within them while undergoing the beautiful transformation process of a civilian to a professional military officer of the Sri Lanka Army. They were further guided along dos and don’ts which they must adhere during their stay at the military academy for next four months.

In addition, Lieutenant Colonel E W R S B Ehelepola USP USACGSC, Commanding Officer- OCW, Lieutenant Colonel KMAP Karunaratne USP psc Director Academics-AW and Lt Col BNSB Rangama RSP USP psc of SLSR, the Chief Instructor -MTW addressed the professionals and made them aware of the role and tasks of each Wing while educating them on how they are going to be trained, exposed and groomed in due course along the disciplines of military training, academic training, leadership attributes other than orientating them to acquire customs of the Army, financial benefits and other privileges, dress regulations, administration, welfare etc.