Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

19th June 2019 10:25:02 Hours

PARENTS’ DAY OF INTAKE 87, 87B, 59 (V), 88, LADY 17 & 16 (V)

The Parents’ Day is organized with the purpose of giving parents and their family members an opportunity to witness their sons and daughters’ acquired/trained talents and skills. This time, Parents’ Day of Intake 87, 87B, 59 (V), 88, LADY 17 & 16 (V) was held on 17th June 2019 at Sri Lanka Military Academy. During the event, parents and their family members witnessed a Drill Display which showcased talents of foot and weapons drill, a demonstration of the Battle Confidence Course to display the skills of tactically technically crossing of obstacles and a Physical Training Display to exhibit the agility, flexibility, endurance, neuromuscular coordination performed by Officer Cadets. Brigadier Shantha Eshwaran, the Commandant graced this occasion as the Chief Guest while all Wing Heads, Officer Instructors and Other Rank Instructors attended the event. Also, the parents got an opportunity to talk to their course officers and other instructors while seeing the infrastructure facilities coming up at the Academy.

During lunch at the Officer Cadets’ Mess, parents expressed their utmost pleasure over the wonderful transformation taken place within their children being trained at the Academy. Addressing the parents at the Auditorium, the Commandant paid his tributes and thanks to all the parents for bestowing their sons and daughters to the Army, which is considered to be an utmost sacrifice.

Finally, with the participation of veteran singers, Wisharada Amarasiri Peiris and Wisharada Deepika Priyadarshani Peiris, “Awithuda Aga Gee Mal – Amara Deepa Viru Gee Miyasiya” Musical Programme was conducted in order to put on display the aesthetic skills of Officer Cadets whose Musical Band, “The Lead” provided the music backing and entertained their beloved parents as well as invitees.