Sri Lanka Military Academy

Serve to Lead

13th September 2018 06:47:56 Hours


The Inter-Company Sports Meet of the year 2018 was held at the Polo Grounds, Diyatalawa on 09th June 2018 with the participation of Intake 85, 86, 87, 86 B, 58 (V), Lady 16 and Lady 15 (V). The Commandant, Brigadier Priyantha Senaratne declared the Sports Meet open as the Chief Guest and it was attended by all wing heads, officers and Other Ranks of the Academy.

The Meet included special relay events for school children from neighbouring schools, SLMA instructors and civil staff apart from Cadets’ events. Officer Cadet M D M Meegamuwage of Intake 86 became the Best Male Athlete and Officer Cadet M N Kodikara of Intake 86 B became the Best Female Athlete of the Sports Meet while the Balana Company bagged the overall championship by scoring 144 marks.