25th November 2019 09:23:14 Hours
Major General Nevil Weerasinghe assumed office as the 29th
Adjutant General of Sri Lanka Army on 04 November 2019 at the Adjutant General' s Branch, Army Headquarters. Major General Nevil Weerasinghe relinquished the duties as the General Officer Commanding of 22 Infantry Division on 03 November 2019.15th November 2019 08:33:47 Hours
National Novices Artistic Gymnastic Championship 2019 – 2019 was held on 9th and 10th November at Torrington Sports Department Gymnasium Colombo and tournament Organized by National Gymnastics Association of Sri Lanka.
13th November 2019 17:34:34 Hours
The fifth South Asian Karate Championship, organized by Bangladesh Karate Federation and South Asian Karate Federation, got underway at Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmed Indoor Stadium in Dhaka on 08 November 2019 and tournament ended after three days on 10 November 2019.
08th November 2019 12:25:38 Hours
The Awarding Ceremony of Inter Regiment Drill competition 2018 which signify the high standards of discipline and conduct among sappers of Sri Lanka Corps of Engineers, took Centre stage on 04 November 2019 at the Corps of Engineers Parade ground. Chief Field Engineer Major General Thissa Nanayakkara graced the occasion as the Chief Guest, on the formal invitation of Brigadier Raveendra Dias, the Centre Commandant of Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers.
06th November 2019 09:08:37 Hours
The Inter Battalion Officers 'Quiz Competition designed to improve the Military and General Knowledge of Army Officers serving within the Jaffna Peninsula, was organized by the 51 Division under instructions of Commander Security Forces - Jaffna, Major General Ruwan Wanigasooriya.
06th November 2019 09:03:33 Hours
The Officers and soldiers of Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) have shown their keen interest to learn technical know-how of Bomb and Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (BEEDED) during the basic course conducted at MNDF Central Area Headquarters, Khadhoo in Maldives. The student participants constituted with three Officers and thirty two Other Ranks representing various services of MNDF. The SLA instructor team is highly impressed on the eagerness and dedication shown by the student participants equally during practical and theoretical training sessions.
29th October 2019 17:56:21 Hours
One-day workshop was organized at the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers for middle grade sapper officers to highlight the importance of Positive Attitude. The workshop was steered by the Lieutenant Colonel Wasantha Pamunuwa (Retired), Director Consultant of Segue Consultancy Services on the topic of “Positive Attitude Building” on 16 October 2019 at the Angammana Auditorium.
04th October 2019 18:31:47 Hours
Mrs Sagara Gunawardena, the President Seva Vanitha Branch Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers visited Anuradapura and Ipalogama Wiru Kekulu Pre-Schools on 02 October 2019 to mark the World Children’s Day. She is in charge of both the Pre-Schools and presently 358 children attend to them. At the event, she distributed sweet packs to all the children, donated by Ceylon Biscuits Limited.
18th September 2019 15:38:43 Hours
68 Officer Cadets of Intake 88, Lady Intake 16 (V) and 17 (V) presently under training at the Sri Lanka Military Academy Diyatalawa paid an scholastic visit to Sri Lanka School of Military Engineering on 16 September 2019. The Chief Instructor extended a warm welcome to the Cadet Officers and instructors on their arrival at Headquarters SLSME.
24th August 2019 20:18:09 Hours
The Bomb Disposal Teams of the Corps of Engineers conducted their operation within twenty-four hours to prevent another bomb blast in the country soon after the bomb attacks conducted by extremist terrorists on 21st April 2019 which dragged the country in to tense situation. It was highly effected to the livelihood and day to today activities including trading and the economy of the country.