The Sri Lanka Army steadily expanded with the increase of operational commitments in the country during the early 1990s.The command and control of in-support operations linked with combat engineer tasks also were complexed parallel to such expansion. Due to this expansion, the Engineer Brigade was raised on 1 June 1988 and functioned under Regimental Headquarters. On 9 May 1996, Engineer Brigade began to function independently at Army Cantonment Panagoda and Brigadier TF Bohoran RSP USP psc assumed the office as the first Brigade Commander. According to the nature of operational requirement, the Headquarter Engineer Brigade was relocated to Kirulapona in 2001 and subsequently to Maththegoda in 2006 before being deployed in Boo Oya, Vavuniya from 10 May 2008.
With the outbreak of the Elam war IV in 2006, new Infantry Divisions and Task Forces were formed to cater for the advancing forces from several fronts. The Corps of Engineers too had to be expanded to support the increasing demand for Combat Engineer Support in the operational theatres. Hence, the Office of Chief Field Engineer was established at Army Camp Maththegoda to support the operational formations on 12th March 2007. At the time of raising, the Office was known as the Headquarters of Chief Field Engineer and was situated in the 5 SLE RHQ Building in Maththegoda. Though the Office was raised in 2007, it existed from September 2006.

Headquarters Chief Field Engineer - Mattegoda
HQ CFE occupied the 5 SLE RHQ Building until the HQ CFE Building was completed in 2010. HQ CFE functioned in this location until the AHQ complex was completed in 2019. With the inaugural opening of the Army Headquarters complex in Baththaramulla the Office was relocated to Block 6 Ground Floor on 26th November 2019 and was renamed as the Office of CFE.

Headquarters Chief Field Engineering Office Building Opening at Mattegoda - 28.01.2010
At the time of raising the HQ CFE in Maththegoda, the first Chief Field Engineer was Major General L M Samaraweera RWP RSP USP along with a limited staff. At the inception HQ CFE utilized the resources of the Engineer Brigade until the 2010. The HQ CFE immensely contributed during the Northern and Eastern Humanitarian Operations with the limited resources available. Prior to the raising of the Office of CFE, Engineer Brigade was the Operational Formation which provided the Combat Engineer support for the Fighting Formations in the theatre of operations.
Eastern Theatre.
At the outbreak of Eastern Humanitarian Operations over the closure of the Mavil Aru sluice gates, 7 Field Engineer Regiment SLE provided combat engineer support to all the Field and special operation Formations under Security Forces (East) namely 22 Division, 23 Division, Commando Brigade and Special Force Brigade from 26 July 2006 to 12 July 2007. The combat engineering missions were carried out at Mavil Aru, Mutur, Sampoor and Foul Point, Panichchankerni,Vakarai, Thoppigala (Baron’s Cap) areas under intense enemy fire.
Troops Involvement.
15 officers and 436 Other Ranks contributed for liberation of eastern theatre. In addition, clearing of mine fields to facilitate advancing infantry troops, reconstruction of Panichchankerni bridge, within 48 hours was a significant achievement. Lankapatuna bridge, which links Sampoor and Echalampattu was an important construction to sustain the livelihood of civilians. 71 Field Squadron was split into small groups to par with Commando and Special Force pattern of operations and the skills they exhibited assisted immensely to achieve the objectives of the special operations including capturing of Thoppigala (Baron’s Cap).
Wanni Theatre.
Simultaneous to the offensive operations against the LTTE in the Eastern theatre, the operations in the Wanni theatre also commenced to cause maximum attrition to the LTTE by engaging from multiple fronts. The operations in Wanni theatre comprised of two fronts, including Wanni Front and Northern Front.
Troop Involvement.
During the operations 5 and 11 Field Engineer Regiment SLE were affiliated to Security Forces Headquarters (Wanni). 5 Field Engineer Regiment SLE provided engineer support to 21 Division, 57 Division, 58 Division, Task Force 3, Task Force 5, Task Force 6 and Area Headquarters (Mannar). And 11 Field Engineer Regiment SLE provided engineer support to 56 Division, 59 Division, 61 Division, Task Force 2, Task Force 4, Task Force 8 and Area Headquarters (Weli Oya).
Northern Front - The Jaffna Peninsula.
The Jaffna Peninsula is mostly surrounded by water, connected to the rest of the island by a narrow strip of land. The total land area including inland water of Jaffan is 1,030 km². The land route to Jaffna Peninsula through Elephant Pass was cut off since April 2000. With the land route through Elephant pass being severed off over 450,000 civilians and 15,000 military personnel had to be sustained by air and sea. Hence the field engineer and plant engineer role were a vital factor to function all military installation in Jaffna while facilitating logistic supplies via sea and air.
High Security Zone Palali.
The High Security Zone-Palali (HSZ) was the most critical military deployed area in Jaffna peninsula. The Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna) comprised of air field, Northern Command of Sri Lanka Navy, two harbours, military installations such as field hospital, ammo dumps and transit camp were within the HSZ. Hence HSZ was a lucrative target for the LTTE. Hence, a high level of security was needed at every entry and exit points to the HSZ. Due to this fact, the field engineers were performing their tasks around the clock at each of these entry and exit points to ensure that all movements in and out of these points are screened properly to prevent lapse in security without hindering the movement.
Commencement of Operations.
Once humanitarian operations were in progress in the eastern theatre, 1 Field Engineer Regiment SLE and 6 Field Engineer Regiment SLE were deployed in Jaffna peninsula. The task assigned to these regiments was to provide combat engineer support to 51 Division, 52 Division, 53 Division, 55 Division and HSZ. Subsequent to liberating the eastern theater from the grip of LTTE, humanitarian operations were concentrated to the Wanni theatre.
Troop Deployment.
The northern front of Wanni Humanitarian Operation was supported by 1 and 6 Field Engineer Regiments while 8 and 10 Field Engineer Regiments contributed the Infantry Formations by performing duties on RFT role.
- Maj Gen LM Samaraweera RWP RSP USP 05.09.06 - 27.02.09
- Maj Gen DMD Alwis USP psc 27.02.09 - 10.02.10
- Brig VUB Nanayakkara USP Hdmc 10.02.10 - 26.07.10
- Brig KMU Wijeratne USP (Overlook) 27.07.10 - 05.08.11
- Maj Gen LN Wickramasuriya RSP USP ndu psc 28.06.12 - 01.10.12
- Maj Gen LN Wickramasuriya RSP USP ndu psc 01.10.12 - 03.09.15
- Brig SJMAR Senevirathne RWP USP psc (Overlook) 03.09.15 - 28.12.15
- Brig GDI Karunarathne RSP psc 28.12.15 - 12.02.16
- Brig GDI Karunarathne RSP psc 12.02.16 - 28.07.17
- Maj Gen DS Weeraman psc 28.07.17 - 15.08.18
- Maj Gen HRKP Peiris USP ndu 15.08.18 - 28.06.19
- Maj Gen TJ Nanayakkara RWP VSV USP ndu 05.07.19 - 25.11.19
- Brig AN Amarasekara USP ndu (Over look) 26.11.19 - 10.12.19
- Maj Gen HRKP Peiris VSV USP ndu 11.12.19 - 23.07.20
- Maj Gen AN Amarasekara USP ndu 24.07.20 - 21.12.21
- Maj Gen WMGCSB Wijayasundara RSP USP ndu 22.12.21 - 10.06.22
- Maj Gen MK Jayawardena RSP VSV USP ndu 11.06.22 - 07.06.23
- Maj Gen AHLG Amarapala RWP RSP ndc psc 08.06.23 - 09.10.23
- Maj Gen SA Kulatunge RWP RSP VSV USP psc 10.10.23 - 18.04.24
- Brig SPG Gamage RWP RSP USP (Overlook) 19.04.24 - 02.05.24
- Maj Gen PPA Perera Hdmc psc 03.05.24 - at present
- Lt Col SK Thirunawukarusu - 28.06.2007 - 28.02.2010
- Lt Col A N Amarasekara USP ndu - 06.03.2010 - 20.06.2012
- Col NKLSR Diaz RSP - 25.06.2012 - 06.12.2013
- Lt Col N P A Gunawardena RSP - 05.12.2013 - 03.06.2014
- Col P Wimalasiri RWP - 02.04.2015 - 11.07.2016
- Lt Col M P K Madurapperuma RSP USP psc - 20.11.2017 - 31.03.2019
- Lt Col SBWMN Samaradiwakara RSP - 01.04.2019 - 11.01.2021
- Lt Col H K P Karunathilaka RSP - 16.04.2021 - 27.06.2023
- Col L M Haputhanthri - 28.06.2023 - 21.05.2024
- Col HSK Jayasinghe RSP - 22.05.2024 - at Present
- Maj F Josep SLE - 19.05.2010 - 28.07.2010
- Maj RDS Wijethunga SLE - 20.08.2013 - 28.12.2013
- Maj CM Liyanage SLE - 30.11.2015 - 05.01.2016
- Maj CD Wickramanayaka SLE - 04.05.2012 - 24.10.2012
- Maj M K V Manoharan SLE - 28.10.2012 - 01.02.2013
- Lt Col SC Kaggodaarachchi RSP USP SLE - 02.02.2013 - 24.10.2014
- Maj TDP Siriwardene psc SLE - 25.10.2014 - 03.11.2015
- Maj EAJS Assaddumegedara psc SLE - 01.05.2016 - 01.05.2017
- Lt Col B S Ahamat psc SLE - 10.01.2017 - 05.01.2018
- Lt Col D N C Serasinghe RSP SLE - 02.08.2018 - 07.01.2019
- Lt Col TDP Siriwardene psc SLE - 07.01.2019 - 16.09.2020
- Lt Col H K P Karunathilaka RSP SLE - 17.09.2020 - 22.02.2021
- Lt Col M K V Manoharan USP SLE - 23.02.2021 - 30.11.2022
- Lt Col K K P Pussewala RWP SLE - 15.12.2022 - at Present
- Lt Col CD Wickramanayaka WV RSP SLE - 26.11.2012 - 08.08.2013
- Maj SC Kaggodaarachchi SLE - 20.07.2012 - 14.08.2014
- Maj H Kottahachchi SLE - 16.11.2013 - 20.06.2019
- Maj DMUR Nayanananda RSP SLE - 06.06.2019 - 14.06.2020
- Lt Col T M P Jalal SLE - 08.07.2020 - 14.02.2023
- Lt Col P G P A Wijerathna RSP USP SLE - 15.02.2023 - at Present
- Maj MKV Manoharan USP SLE - 01.10.2007 - 28.03.2008
- Maj I K Liyanage psc SLE - 03.04.2008 - 22.01.2009
- Maj BAMP Balasooriya RSP SLE - 23.01.2009 - 20.05.2010
- Maj G A D Alwis RSP psc SLE - 01.01.2014 - 25.10.2015
- Maj BKTN Batuwanthudawa SLE - 18.11.2015 - 05.04.2016
- Maj KADP Sugathadasa USP SLE - 20.04.2016 - 22.03.2018
- Maj EAJS Assaddumegedara psc SLE - 09.09.2016 - 09.09.2018
- Maj BLDI Silva SLE - 10.03.2018 - 23.12.2018
- Maj KKP Pussewala RSP SLE - 15.05.2018 - 16.04.2019
- Maj H M U S K Illangaratne RSP SLE - 11.04.2019 - 04.01.2022
- Maj L L C S Cabraal psc SLE - 05.01.2022 - 08.09.2022
- Maj D B P K Gunathilake SLE - 09.09.2022 - at Present
- Maj AADRK Amarathunge USP SLE - 03.10.2008 - 23.01.2011
- Maj JN Keerthisinghe SLE - 15.03.2012 - 22.05.2013
- Maj MAPS Perera psc SLE - 22.05.2013 - 15.01.2014
- Maj JN Keerthisinghe SLE - 16.01.2014 - 06.10.2015
- Maj TMP Jalal SLE - 07.10.2015 - 09.03.2017
- Maj PGMAK Gunasena SLE - 10.03.2017 - 18.04.2018
- Maj BLDI Silva SLE - 19.04.2018 - 18.12.2018
- Maj LIH Wedage SLE - 20.12.2018 - 29.09.2019
- Maj MJ Salgadu RSP SLE - 28.09.2019 - 19.01.2020
- Maj ALIWK Athugala RSP psc SLE - 20.01.2020 - 19.01.2021
- Maj RMLA Rathnayaka psc SLE - 20.01.2021 - 13.02.2023
- Maj K A A Kodippili Arachchi psc SLE - 14.02.2023 - at Present
- Maj HAR Amarasekara SLE - 11.10.2023 - at Present
- Maj KAPN Kulathunga SLE - 08.01.2024 - at Present
- Lt CS Kotuwegedara - 02.04.2011 - 16.04.2014
- Capt Nadeeshani SLAGSC - 12.07.2016 - 18.09.2017
- Capt YRL Abeynayaka SLAGSC - 02.12.2017 - 23.01.2020
- Maj TDM De Silva SLAGSC - 24.01.2020 - 21.01.2022
- Maj HMMS Herath SLAGSC - 22.01.2023 - 14.11.2023
- Maj MKS De Silva SLAGSC - 14.11.2023 - at Present
- Capt (QM) MH Upul Nandana SLE - 15.02.2013 - 23.09.2015
- Capt KPK Muthunayake SLE - 24.09.2015 - 27.02.2018
- Capt (QM) URW Samarawickrama SLE - 28.02.2018 - 02.08.2019
- Lt (QM) YSC Jayasooriya USP SLE - 08.09.2020 - 18.11.2020
- Capt M A N Jayathilake SLE - 02.05.2021 - 03.07.2022
- Lt PWTPP Fernado SLE - 04.07.2022 - 24.12.2022
- Capt RMSS Rathnayake SLE - 13.06.2023 - 23.11.2023
- WO I MAC Karunaratne - 03.04.2007 - 01.01.2008
- WO I WDS Premasiri - 02.01.2008 - 02.12.2010
- WO I WJ Rambanda USP - 03.12.2010 - 15.10.2013
- WO I AGS Gunathilaka USP - 16.10.2013 - 02.04.2014
- WO I MMS Kumarasiri - 03.04.2014 - 10.04.2015
- WO I Wickramasinghe - 11.04.2015 - 04.02.2016
- WO I Rathnasooriya - 05.02.2016 - 26.04.2018
- WO I SN Rathnayaka - 27.04.2018 - 05.02.2019
- WO I PGD Senadheera - 06.02.2019 - 18.01.2020
- WO I TBP Kumara - 19.01.2020 - 31.05.2022
- WO I PGTN Dharmawardena - 01.06.2022 - 07.09.2022 l. WO I SASPK Subasingha USP - 07.09.2022 - 26.02.2024
- WO I JAR Jayalath USP - 19.03.2024 - at present
ASM (Fd).
- WO II Liyanage SCH - 23.08.2015 - 22.11.2016
- WO I WBMND Wanigasekara - 23.11.2016 - 24.07.2017
- WO I IAD Nishantha - 25.07.2017 - 24.08.2018
- WO II Bandara SM - 25.08.2018 - 18.06.2019
- WO I DL Jayantha - 19.06.2019 - 19.07.2020
- WO I SM Samarajeewa - 20.07.2020 - 24.05.2021
- WO II Chaminda SA - 25.05.2021 - 12.05.2023
ASM (Pl).
- WO I WAS Jayawardena - 05.04.2016 - 17.03.2018
- WO II Suraweera HMA - 18.03.2018 - 11.06.2019
- WO I HMG Samarasinghe - 13.06.2019 - 15.07.2021
- WO I SD Dissanayaka - 16.07.2021 - 18.02.2021
- WO I NBS Perera - 19.02.2021 - 18.05.2020
- CFE - Maj Gen P P A Perera Hdmc psc
- Col Coord - Col HSK Jayasinghe RSP
- GSO I (FD) - Lt Col K K P Pussewala RWP SLE
- GSO I (Planning/Proc) -
- GSO II (Plant) - Maj K A A Kodippili Arachchi psc SLE
- GSO II (Trg/Ops) - Maj D B P K Gunathilake SLE
- GSO II (Planning/Proc) - Maj KAPN Kulathunga SLE
- SO II (Admin) - Maj HAR Amarasekara SLE
- ADC - Capt CL Peliarachchi SLE
- Acct Offr - Maj MKS De Silva SLAGSC
- Leagal Offr - Maj R A DPSD Ranasinghe SLAGSC
- CC - WO I JAR Jayalath USP
1. Office of Chief Field Engineer is the bridge between the Branches/Directorates/Offices in Army Headquarters, Ministries, civil authorities with the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers. With the inception of the office, office coordinated all plant military projects which directly influence to the national security.
2. In the advisory role, this office coordinated number of projects for Military Assistance to Civil Ministries and Civil Communities. Under that, this office coordinated following projects with the liaison with line ministries, other government organisations and civil communities.
a. Eastern Revival (Neganahira Navodaya). In order to assist the reconstruction and reintegration process of the government this office coordinated number of development projects with line ministries and other civil organizations. This programme was forcused in the development projects in the Eastern Province. Under this programme this office coordinated projects such as; renovation of rural roads, religious places & schools and improvements of other infrastructure facilities.
b. Northern Spring (Uthuru Wasanthaya) This programme was forcused to develop the infrastructure facilites in Northern Province after the conflict
c. Deyata KirulaDeyata Kirula development programme and exibition was .held from 2007 to 2014 in follwing areas
- 2007 - Colombo BMICH
- 2008 - Colombo BMICH
- 2009 - Colombo BMICH
- 2010 - Pallekele
- 2011 - Buttala
- 2012 - Oyamaduwa
- 2013 - Ampara
- 2014 - Kuliyapitiya
In the above areas number of development projects were carried out by the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers, such as road development, renovations of schools and other infrastructure .developments
d. Sirisara Pivisuma Programme Sirisara Pivisuma’ development programme was forcused in to improve the living standard and infrastructures in Trincomalee District from 2017. Under this development project, number of projects were coordiated by this office such as; Renovations of tanks & irrigation systems, renovation of roads, construction of Elephant fences and other infrastructure developments
e. Pibidamu Polonnaruwa ProgrammeThe Pibidemu Polonnaruwa development project was initiated to carry out development project at Polonnaruwa district from 2018. In this project, this office coordinated renovations of rural roads, schools, .irrigation systems and religious places in order to uplift the living standard of the people
f. Grama Shakthi The Grama Shakthi programme aims at saving the people from poverty and make them better off. This is implemented as the main project to free the country from poverty. This office coordinated with Presidential Sectretariat and line ministries to renovate tanks and irrigation systems in Anuradhapura District.
g. Gam Peraliya This project was initiated in 2018 to develop the infrastructure facilities in the country.
h.Gama Samaga Pilisandara The Office of Chief Field Engineer coordinated with Presidential Secretariat and line ministries to carry out the task assigned by HE the President to Sri Lanka Army under ‘Gama Samaga Pilisandara’ prgramme from year 2020. In this project, the Corps was assigned to renovate School/public play grounds, construction of school buildings, construction of public buildings and renovation of tanks.
i. Wari Saubagya 2020 – 2022 Government planned to renovate 5,000 irrigation systems to enhance the paddy cultivation in Sri Lanka under the government policy of ‘Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour’. This office coordinated to renovate irrigation systems in Mahaveli System ‘L’ (Mullaithivu & Anuradhapura districts) and Kurunegala districts in 2020 – 21.
j. Sports School Infrastructure Development Project. With the view of improving the sports abilities in school levels, Government implement the Sports School Infrastructure Development Project under the government policy statement of ‘Vistas of Prosperity and Slendour’. This office coordinated with the state ministry in order to carry out the infrastructure improvements in the sports schools.
k. Development Project of 100,000 km Rural Roads. Government plans to renovate 100,000 km rural roads in island wide under the government policy statement of ‘Vistas of Prosperity and Slendour’. In support of the above project this office coordinated several projects in Galle, Matara, Rathnapura and Kaluthara districts from 2020.
l .Shrub Jungle Clearance at Mattala Rajapakse International Airport (MRIA). With the request of Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) Limited, this office coordinated to clear the shrub jungle in MRIA. This project facilitated to resume the international flights MRIA base on the international flight standards.
m.Sandahiruseya Project. With the instruction of Ministry of Defence and the close supervision of this office, Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers provided the all earth moving machine / vehicle requirement from 2010.
n.Defence Headquarters Construction Project. The earth moving machine/ vehicle requirement for the Defence Headquarters Construction Project is being provided by the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers under the close supervision of this office.
o.Yali Dakimu Deegavapiya.In support of the government policy to protect and develop the archaeological sites in the eastern province, the corps provided the all earth moving machine and vehicle requirement for the development project at Deegawapiya Temple in Ampara.
p.Construction of the Entrance Road to the Tower of Strategic Defence Communication Network (SDCN) Project. The construction of the entrance road to the tower of SDCN project at Laggala is being constructed under the supervision of this office.
q.Construction of Road from Mayladdy - Kadduwan. HE the President assigned to construct the road from Myladdy to Kadduwan in year 2022. The road was constructed with the support of Road Development Authority.
Office of Chief Field Engineer coordinated number of military and non military projects in the Field Engineering matters in order to ensure the national security as well as to assist the civil authorities.
a.Respond to Meethotamulla Landslide. Meethotamulla garbage dump collapse in year 2017.04.14 and Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers was assigned to rescue the affected people. This office coordinated with the civil authorities in order to ensure the safe life of the people.
b.Respond to Easter Sunday Bomb Blast The bomb disposal team and other field engineering assistance were coordinated with the instruction of the Ministry of Defence in order to ensure the security of the nation after the Easter Sunday Bomb blasts.
Respond after Sinking “MV X-PRESS PEARL” The container carrying ship “MV X-PRESS PEARL” sank Northwest of Colombo port with containers of chemical agents in 2021. The respond team of the corps was employed to prevent the damages that can be harmful to the environment.
The Security Forces of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) have been involved in a prolonged armed conflict over three decades in the Northern and Eastern provinces. Terrorists have contaminated the land heavily with field fortifications coupled with Land mines, Anti-personnel Mines (AP Mines), Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), and booby traps without due consideration for future effects. The hazard aggravated due to the non-availability of records to trace back those mines and booby traps laid by the terrorists.
The LTTE had produced AP mines in large numbers and used as weapons of choice against Security Forces. This shows LTTE violated the norms of the convention. The LTTE as a terrorist organization banned in many countries in the world and also in Sri Lanka.
Before the establishment of the Chief Field Engineering Office in 2006, the humanitarian demining process had already begun in Sri Lanka. There were a total number of 44 HDM sites and an area of 8,119,431 SQMs has been cleared and handed over.
In May 2009 Security Forces regained control over the entire Island where LTTE have been driven out from their strongholds. With the end of the conflict, the first priority was to accelerate sustainable resettlement of those displaced by the fighting for nearly three decades. Due to the civil conflict significant number of mines, IEDs and Explosive Remnant of War (ERW) contaminated lands of the North and East of Sri Lanka. Therefore, creating a mine-free land was a vital precursor for the return of Internal Displaced Personnel (IDPs).
The end of the war in May 2009 provided a long-awaited opportunity for Sri Lanka to enjoy peace. However, the immediate challenge at the end of the conflict was the creation of mines-free environment in the former conflict-affected areas which were contaminated with 1.3 million (estimated) land mines, AP Mines and IEDs. It has been identified that over 640 villages (approx 1341.13 Sqkm) were affected by those.
Initially there were 13 organizations and later spanned in to a 18 Orgs incl SLAHDU, to clear the contaminated area. At present 5 Organization (2 x INGO and 2 x local NGO) are involved in the mine clearance process including SLA HDU.
- Sri Lanka Army Humanitarian Demining (SLA HDU)
- Delvon Association for Social Harmony (DASH)
- Skavita Humanitarian Assistance and Relief Project (SHARP)
- Mines Advisory Group (MAG)
- Hazardous Area Life Support Organization (HALO Trust)
Initially it was identified over 1341.13 SqKms as mine and ERW contaminated areas. Some of the mine suspected areas were discarded after Non-Technical Survey and Technical Surveys. As at 31 May 2024, cleared area 1319.06 Sqkms and remaining area is 22.07 SqKms
Under the supervision of Office of Chief Field Engineer, SLA-HDU played the leading role and contributed the demining programme, 70% for the total cleared areas. It is 468.14 Sqkm from total cleared area after the year 2009 including Mine/ERW clearance at Rice bowl, opened access to two most famous religious heritages at M adu Church & Thirukeshwaran Hindu Temple and two railway lines, Omanthai- Kankesantural & Medawachchiya to Mannar, land for Kokavil transition tower before resuming reconstruction process as well as cleared the land for Palaly Airport. Following agencies including SLAHDU were contributed for the process of cleared contaminated areas since 2002 to up to now. Larger contribution extended by the SLAHDU.
Ser | Agency | Total Cleared Area (Km2) |
Total Remaining Area (Km2) of Presently Active Org |
Allocations of Remaining Area (Km2) |
(a) | (b) | (c) | (d) | (e) |
1 | SLA HDU | 866.35 | 0.60 | |
2 | DASH | 16.01 | 2.20 | |
3 | HALO TRUST | 50.19 | 22.07 | 7.79 |
4 | MAG | 98.35 | 4.87 | |
5 | SHARP | 2.88 | 1.82 | |
6 | NMAC | 4.77 | ||
7 | DDG | 37.86 | - | - |
8 | DMAO | 0.006 | - | - |
9 | GMAA Team Leader | 0.002 | - | - |
10 | HDU/Mine Advisory Group | 29.02 | - | - |
11 | HDU/NPA | 10.76 | - | - |
12 | HORIZON | 98.25 | - | - |
13 | JCCP | 0.14 | - | - |
14 | MAG/TRO | 0.25 | - | - |
15 | Minetech | 0.25 | - | - |
16 | MMIPE | 3.80 | - | - |
17 | RONCO | 0.23 | - | - |
18 | SARVATRA | 62.87 | - | - |
19 | FSD | 40.17 | - | - |
20 | UNOPS | 0.09 | - | - |
TOTAL | 1,319.05 | 22.07 | 22.07 |
LTTE used protective minefields in front of their defensive positions. They laid mostly AP mines and also utilized some AT mines. No LTTE minefield records are available. The LTTE also made use of nuisance mines, to prevent access to facilities including wells, buildings, roads and footpaths. Some mines were also scattered on the ground during the LTTE rapid retreat in the north and the east during the final stages of the conflict in 2006-2009. The LTTE used improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in the form of mortar shells connected to tripwires to act as fragmentation mines, bar mines, electrical and magnetically initiated explosive devices/ mines placed at strategic locations and mines connected with detonating cord to mortar/ artillery shells a distance away.
LTTE manufactured most of the mines they used themselves; some were designed with an anti-lift/anti-tilt mechanism to prevent the removal of the mine from the ground after it was laid.
Starting in 2002, some mine/ERW-contaminated areas in the northern and eastern provinces were cleared. The escalation of the conflict in 2006, however, resulted in areas being re-contaminated, in particular in northern and eastern provinces. Sri Lanka’s ERW contamination mainly consist of unexploded airdropped bombs, artillery- delivered shells, mortar bombs, handheld anti-tank projectiles, rifle grenades and hand grenades. There are also sizeable caches of abandoned explosive ordnance, particularly in the north. There are no reports that cluster ammunition/ bombs were used in Sri Lanka during the conflict. ERW were not viewed as a key threat during clearance operations after 2009, As IDPs and refugees started returning to conflict.
Affected areas after 2009, the GoSL believed that MRE coupled with an effective explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) response would be sufficient to address the ERW threat. During late 2010/early 2011, hundreds of ERW were reported every month by villagers and cleared by Corps of Sri Lanka Engineering tps under the leadership and controlled by the HQ CFE at that time.
Ser | District | Total Cleared Area in Sqm | AP | AT | SAA | UXO |
(a) | (b) | (c) | (d) | (e) | (f) | (g) |
1 | Ampara | 7,477,113 | 593 | - | 1,874 | 1,606 |
2 | Anuradhapura | 540,912 | 5,246 | - | - | 26 |
3 | Batticaloa | 9,728,615 | 13,883 | 8 | 14,301 | 4,929 |
4 | Jaffna | 28,163,975 | 202,646 | 589 | 229,351 | 36,558 |
5 | Kilinochchi | 33,847,525 | 178,539 | 907 | 485,162 | 63,163 |
6 | Mannar | 49,463,163 | 129,453 | 3 | 84,705 | 42,589 |
7 | Mullaitivu | 76,668,362 | 194,037 | 265 | 351,604 | 185,413 |
8 | Polonnaruwa | 247,275 | 884 | - | - | 32 |
9 | Puttalam | 43,498 | 815 | - | - | - |
10 | Trincomalee | 12,949,698 | 12,601 | 14 | 4,929 | 2,047 |
11 | Vavuniya | 17,570,747 | 149,557 | 378 | 24,829 | 34,159 |
TOTAL | 236,700,882 | 888,254 | 2,198 | 1,196,755 | 370,522 |