In 1946 after the conclusion of "World War ll", there was a need to form an Association, to include the members of the Ceylon Engineers who rendered an active service to around 12 different wartime Engineer Formations. At the end of the war, all these Engineer Units had been disbanded and only the Ceylon Engineers (Volunteers) continued. In fact, their roots were in the Engineer Company of the Ceylon Light Infantry of 1881, which gave birth to the Ceylon Engineers on 23rd February 1911.
The name of the Association, inaugurated on 8th February 1946 as per the rules of formation, was Ceylon Engineers Association (CE). Membership was open to all past and present members of the Ceylon Engineers (Volunteers). This was amended at the Fifth Annual General Meeting held on 23rdNovember 1953 to include the regulars and hence, the word Volunteers was deleted. From this time onwards, all members of the Ceylon Engineers, Regulars and Volunteers, were eligible to apply for membership of the Association.
CEA on formation was affiliated to the Ex-Servicemen's Association (later named Sri Lanka Ex-Servicemen's Association) and still remains thus. The Ceylon Engineers Association (CEA) in time changed its name to the Sri Lanka Engineers Association (SLEA).
The objectives at the formation of CEA were :
To foster the spirit of fellowship and esprit-de-corps among all ranks of the Ceylon Engineers.To promote the welfare of the corps and its members.
To render financial assistance to deserving members.
In more recent times, in order to differentiate the Military Engineers from the Civil Engineers and to emphasize the military affiliation of the association, the name was further refined as SRI LANKA ARMY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION (SLAEA).
The Sri Lanka Army Engineers membership is now extended to all past members of the units of the corps of Ceylon Engineers as well as serving and past members of the Corps of Sri Lanka Army Engineers. An Executive Committee is selected each year at the Annual General Meeting for the management of the affairs of the Association conforming to the constitution and the policies laid down by the membership. The Association also generates revenue for social and development activities. The objectives remain unchanged over 60 years, and in the recent past special emphasis has been focused on welfare of retired members.
They are as follows :
Medical assistance (Financial) for needy members.Financial and other assistance to the families in case of a death of a member through the Death Donation Scheme.
Scholarships for children of members.
Establishment of Provincial Associations in order to intensify the activities of the Association.