29th January 2018 17:49:36 Hours
14 CBRN Response Regiment SLE is a dedicated organization to response Chemical, Biological, Radiology and Nuclear emergencies in the country. To prove its vital role in the field, solders of 14 CBRN Regt SLE conducted a first responder operation against the toxic gas emission from a dumped soiling general area Kelaniya on 12 January 2018.
29th January 2018 17:44:53 Hours
12 Field Engineer Regimentbecame the Champions at the Inter Unit Basketball Tournament held at Sappers Home Mattegoda on 13 January 2018. The basketball championship was the final sport championship of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers for the 2017. The first round matches held from 10, 11 January 2018 with the participation of teams from ten regiments. 1 Field Engineer Regiment and 12 Field Engineer Regiment beating their opponents was qualified for the finals. While 14 CBRN Regiment and 10 Field Engineer Regiment contested for the first runners up and 14 CBRN Regiment secured the 3rd place. Major General Mervin Perera graced the occasion as the Chief Guest together with large number of Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks.
29th January 2018 17:41:06 Hours
The annual field exercise on National Oil Spill Contingency Plan (NOSCOP), SPILLEX 2107 organized by Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) was held on 14 and 15 December 2017. Engineer Brigade played a key role of the exercise representing the Sri Lanka Army, as a stakeholder of NOSCOP.
23rd January 2018 15:41:54 Hours
Inter Regiment Elle Tournament of year 2017, was held from 10 & 11 October 2017 at 11 Field Engineer Regiment with the participation of six Regiments.14 CBRN Regiment and 11 Field Engineer Regiment became the Champion and Runners up respectively. Col DP Jayasinghe RSP, Comd 683 Inf Bde, graced the occasion as the days Chief Guest.Number of Sapper Officers and Other Ranks witnessed the event.
23rd January 2018 15:41:54 Hours
A Mine Detection Dog (MDD) Team from the Sri Lanka Army was honoured by the U.S.-based Marshall Legacy Institute (MLI) at its 20th Anniversary Clearing the Path Gala held at Hotel Fairmont in Washington D.C on 24 October 2017. This is the third time the honour has been bestowed on a Sri Lankan mine detection dog team.MLIs annual gala honours individuals whose extraordinary efforts have improved lives in war-torn countries and highlights accomplishments of the past year that have made the world a safer place.For their years of excellent service and the strong bond between them, MDD Yankee and her handler Lance Corporal Rajapaksha TDK of the Sri Lanka Army Humanitarian Demining Unit were presented the 2017 Dog Team of the Year award by MLIs President and Executive Director Perry F. Baltimore.
23rd January 2018 15:41:54 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:41:54 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:41:54 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:41:54 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:41:54 Hours
Sapper troops in a massive effort are currently engaged in immediate rescue and relief work in flood-affected areas in close coordination with the Disaster Management Centre (DMC) and District Secretariats in respective provinces.As flood levels were fast rising due to torrential rains in the past 72 hours, The Commander Security Force Headquarters (West) and Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers Major General S Ranasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc instructed to Chief Field Engineer Major General GDI Karunaratne RSP psc and Commander Engineer Brigade Brigadier SJMAR Seneviratne RWP USP psc to commenced the rescue and relief operations to prevail the situation. 10 Officers and 143 Sappers are engaging with rescue and relief missions from 25th May 2017 to date (29th May 2017).