18th November 2023 10:11:38 Hours
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers hosted a farewell parade on 17 November 2023 for one of its proud Senior Officer, Maj Gen GWA Seneviratne USP psc, who is retiring after a dedicated service of more than three decades. The day’s ceremony commenced with the customary Guard Turnout, Guard of honour at the Regimental parade ground followed by a tea party held at the Officers’ Mess with participation of Senior Officers and Officers.
10th November 2023 13:22:25 Hours
The Awarding Ceremony of Inter Regiment Drill competition 2023 which signify the high standards of discipline and conduct among sappers of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers, took Centre stage on 09 November 2023 at the Regimental Centre parade ground concurrently to the Anniversary celebration of the Corps. The Commander Security Forces Mullaitivu and the Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers Maj Gen MK Jayawardena RSP VSV USP ndu graced the occasion as the Chief Guest on the invitation of the Centre Commandant Brig SPG Gamage RWP RSP USP.
09th November 2023 22:00:53 Hours
A Guard Turnout and a Ceremonial Parade saluted to the Colonel Commandant of Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers Maj Gen MK Jayawardena RSP VSV USP ndu, at the Regimental Centre Parade ground and marked another important episode of the series of events conducted with the 72nd Anniversary of the Corps on 09 November 2023.
09th November 2023 09:20:24 Hours
In line with the anniversary celebration events, The Seva Vanitha Branch Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers took an initiative for arranging of a special lunch and entertainment session for the members of ‘Home for Tri-Service Veterans – Katana’ on 08 November 2023 concomitantly to the 72nd Anniversary of the Corps. This is the first juncture in the history that launching such kind of event by the Serving Officers and members of Seva Vanitha Branch SLE for this ‘Home for veterans’.
08th November 2023 18:58:20 Hours
In today's global landscape, enhancing our nation's capacities to respond to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear challenges has become an imperative. Recognizing the significance of this endeavor, the 14 CBRNE Response Regiment SLE, under the guidance of the Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers, took a proactive step by organizing the workshop and interaction session with stakeholders through an online platform. This session served as a valuable opportunity to assess the current response capacity of our nation, particularly in the context of evolving global challenges.
08th November 2023 16:11:28 Hours
With the dawning of the dusk, an all-night Pirith-Chanting Ceremony and a colourful “Perahera” got underway on 07 November 2023 concurrently to the 72nd Anniversary of the Corps with the participation of the Commander Security Forces Mullaitivu and the Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers Maj Gen MK Jayawardena RSP VSV USP ndu, Senior Officers, Officers, Retired Officers and Other Ranks of the Corps. The Pirith chanting ceremony commenced with the Maha Sanga being ushered into the venue in a colourful Perahara and was followed by an alms giving to 23 members of Maha Sanga on the following day
08th November 2023 05:30:46 Hours
In commensurate with the 72nd anniversary functions a Floral Tribute to Fallen War Heroes of the Corps of Engineers was conducted at the War Heroes’ Monument on 07 November 2023. The event conveyed a deep reverence to the fallen War Heroes in the Corps of Engineers, who made the supreme sacrifice in liberating our motherland from the clutches of terrorism.
31st October 2023 18:32:14 Hours
Sapper Officers who achieved first in order merits from various all Arms courses were appreciated by the Commander Security Forces Headquarters Mullaitivu and the Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers Maj Gen MK Jayawardena RSP VSV USP ndu during a formal gathering held at the Regimental Centre, Panagoda.
28th October 2023 17:25:47 Hours
Major General S A Kulatunge RWP RSP VSV USP psc officially assumed duties as the Chief Field Engineer (CFE) of the Sri Lanka Army during a charming ceremony held at Army Headquarters on Thursday, October 26, 2023. In a solemn and symbolic gesture, upon arrival at his new office, the newly appointed CFE signed an official document, signifying his acceptance of this prestigious position amid a backdrop of religious observances.
23rd October 2023 13:17:03 Hours
The Seva Vanitha Branch of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers took the initiative for organizing of a Sappers’ Retro Musical Concert ‘Evergreens of the 70s’ at the Nelum Pokuna Theatre on 21 October 2023. This event stands as a testament to unwavering commitment of the Seva Vanitha Branch Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers to the noble cause of enhancing the well-being of both abled and disabled soldiers and their families who have endured the profound challenges arise during the Humanitarian Operation.