12th April 2019 14:54:28 Hours
Both Officers and Other Ranks of the Corps of Signals who are serving at the HQCSO, Directorate of IT, Signals Brigade, Signals Regimental Centre, 10 SLSC, 11 SLSC and 12 SLSC located within the Signals premises in Panagoda held their festive event of the New Year 2019 on Saturday, 06th April 2019. The ceremony was graced by Maj Gen B H M A Wijesinghe USP ndu psc, the military sectary of the Sri Lanka army and Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Signals as the Chief Guest. Lighting of the traditional oil lamp by the Chief Guest and the playing of the National Anthem signed the formal commencement of the festival.
14th March 2019 15:38:05 Hours
The newest Information Technology Resource Centre (ITRC) of the Army in Jaffna was inaugurated on Monday (11) at 6 Sri Lanka Signal Corps (SLSC) Headquarters during a brief opening ceremony graced by the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake as the Chief Guest.
The founding of the ITRC on a notion proposed by Major General Nilantha Hettiarachchi, Chief Signal Officer (CSO) was a long-felt need for troops serving the peninsula. The ITRC is to extend this training facility to school students in the peninsula, following a suggestion made by the Commander of the Army.
13th February 2019 11:20:54 Hours
The Corps of Signals conducted a formal ceremony on 7th February 2019 at the Signals Regimental Centre premises in felicitation of senior officer who were promoted as Two Star Generals, Major General CMDP Chandrasekare ndu.
25th January 2019 16:33:53 Hours
The Military Secretary of Sri Lanka Army and the Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Signals, Major General B H M A Wijesinghe USP ndu psc made his official visit to the 1st Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps on 20th January 2019. The Commanding Officer Lt Col TS Liyanagunawardana warmly welcomed the Colonel Commandant and conducted the visit in line with military traditions.
25th January 2019 16:29:15 Hours
Official visit on the New Year 2019 of Major General Ajith Wijesinghe USP ndu psc, Military Secretary of Sri Lanka Army and Colonel Commandant Corps of Signals, to 6th Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps (IT) deployed in Jaffna was taken place on 19th January 2019. He was warmly welcomed by the Commanding Officer 6SLSC (IT) Lieutenant Colonel M A K Jayawardena psc and the Officers of the Regiment.
17th January 2019 19:17:47 Hours
“Consider Commitment, Knowledge, Loyalty and Discipline are strong pillars and build up your career on that strong structure”, said Major General Ajith Wijesinghe USP ndu psc, Military Secretary of Sri Lanka Army and Colonel Commandant Corps of Signals, addressing the audience of Officer Instructors of School of Signals and Officers who just completed their Mid-Career Course (MCC) No 04 during the closing address of MCC 04 on 12th January 2019.
01st January 2019 15:11:57 Hours
On the invitation of the Commanding Officer of the 7th Signal Regiment Lt Col Nandana Weerathunga, Maj Gen Ajith Wijesinghe, the Military Secretary of the Sri Lanka Army and Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Signal Corps made a formal visit to the 7th Signal Regiment in Diyathalawa and declared open its’ newly constructed Regiment Headquarters building on 16th December 2018. This new Regiment Headquarters building was constructed by all the troops of the unit with their fullest commitment with untiring effort to fulfill the long standing requirement of the unit.
01st January 2019 15:01:09 Hours
On the invitation of the Commanding Officer 7th Signal Regiment Lt Col Nandana Weerathunga, the newly constructed Auditorium and Gymnasium located at the unit line was declared open by the Chief Signal Officer of the Sri Lanka Army Maj Gen Nilantha Hettiarachchi USP psc Hdmc on 14th December 2018, which is considered a fulfilling of long left necessity at the unit deployed at Manikkanda in Diyatalawa. This was a great effort of an initiative taken by the Commanding Officer and All Ranks that finally realized upon the untiring commitment of everyone at the unit.
18th December 2018 17:30:35 Hours
Sri Lanka Army steered the last rites of late Major General WJTK Fernando (Retd) psc, the most senior retired Signal Officer who passed away on 15th December 2018. The procession of the funeral ceremony was held at 1400 hours on 17th December 2017 at the General Cemetery, Borella in Colombo with full military honors. The Military Secretary of the Sri Lanka Army and the Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Signals attended representing the Commander of the Army together with a large number of Senior Officers and Other Ranks of the Army and joined the family members in sharing their sadness at this moment of grief.
17th December 2018 13:12:36 Hours
Major General W J T Kamal Fernando (Retd) of the Sri Lanka Signal Corps (SLSC) passed away on Saturday (15) after a brief illness. He joined the Army on 21 October 1957 as a 2nd Lieutenant and retired from the Army on 1988.