
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

29th April 2019 16:53:04 Hours

Outgoing SLSC Colonel Commandant Saluted in Military Parade

Sri Lanka Signal Corps (SLSC) troops bade farewell to the outgoing Colonel Commandant, Major General BHMA Wijesinghe USP ndu psc on Friday (26) on his retirement after having counted an illustrious service of more than 34 years in the Army.

The ceremony was formally held in keeping with military traditions at the SLSC Regimental Headquarters premises in Panagoda.

The programme of events commenced with the ceremonial Guard Turnout followed by the Regimental Parade with the participation of troops from all regular and volunteer units of SLSC.

The day’s event was also included with a tea party, at the Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess and the All Rank Lunch.

The programme of events culminated with a ‘Dinner Night’ hosted by Officers of the Regimental Officers’ Mess.