

"Prosperity to Motherland"


News Features

  • The Colonel Commandant Paid His First Visit to 4(V) SLACAL

    15th July 2024 12:50:08 Hours

    Commander Security Forces (East) and Colonel Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock, Major General SA Kulatunge RWP RSP VSV USP psc, paid his first visit to the 4th Volunteer Battalion of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture & Livestock on 26 and 27 June 2024.

    The Colonel Commandant was warmly welcomed by the Commanding Officer of 4 (V) SLACAL, Lieutenant Colonel ED Jayawarana USP SLAC, and a ceremonial guard turnout was awarded at the entrance in accordance with military formalities. Col Comdt planted a sapling in the camp to mark his visit to 4(V) SLACAL, followed by a comprehensive briefing by the commanding officer. Col Comdt inspected the camp area and mango chutney project. After that, he addressed the troops and then participated in the all-rank tea.

    Afterward, Colonel Commandant Major General SA Kulatunge RWP RSP VSV USP psc visited Army Farm Adiyapuliyankulam, Army Farm Manikfarm, and Army Farm Wellankulam to inspect those.

    On the evening of June 27, 2024, Maj Gen SA Kulatunge RWP RSP VSV USP psc visited to inspect Army farms Iranamadu and Pudukuduirippu. The Centre Commandant Brigadier KASK Siriwardana RWP RSP USP also took part in the program.

  • The Colonel Commandant Paid His First Visit to the School of Agriculture and Livestock

    15th July 2024 12:35:15 Hours

    Commander Security Forces (East) and Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock, Major General SA Kulatunge RWP RSP VSV USP psc paid his first visit to the School of Agriculture and Livestock – Murukkandi, Klinochchi on June 27, 2024

    The Colonel Commandant was warmly welcomed by the Commandant School of Agriculture and Livestock, Lieutenant Colonel DLCN Muththanthirige SLACAL and the ceremonial guard turnout was awarded at the entrance in accordance with military formalities. The Col Comdt planted a sapling in the respective camp premises and appeared for a group photograph to mark his visit to the School of Agriculture and Livestock. The Commandant, School of Agriculture and Livestock, conducted a comprehensive briefing about administration and the courses of the training school. Subsequently, Col Comdt addressed the troops. Then he inspected the camp area. After signing the visitors’ book, Col Comdt departed from the School of Agriculture and Livestock.

    The Centre Commandant Brigadier KASK Siriwardana RWP RSP USP also took part in the programme

  • Newly Appointed Deputy Centre Commandant Assumed Duties at RHQ – SLACAL

    29th May 2024 18:40:27 Hours

    Colonel NC Lokuglappathti IG assumed duties as the Deputy Centre Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture & Livestock on 29 May 2024 at Regimental Headquaters - Karandeniya. Colonel NC Lokuglappathti IG assumed his duties by giving priority to religious ceremonies. All officers of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture & Livestock wish Good Luck to his new appointment.

    Colonel NC Lokuglappathti IG


  • The Colonel Commandant Paid His First Visit to 3(V) SLACAL

    13th May 2024 11:01:52 Hours


    16th April 2024 16:44:58 Hours

    The 2(V) Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock – Seva Vanitha Branch distributed 09 gifts packs to civil workers and contribution of cheques worth of Rs.10,000 for nine expectant mothers on 11th April 2024.For this husbands were participated instead of expectant mothers under the guidance of Mrs.Chandima Wijesuriya,the Team Leader of 2(V)SLACAL-ALC

    The Commanding Officer of 2(V)SLACAL Lt Col SDD Rasika Kumara psc and the Team Leader of 2(V)SLACAL-ALC Mrs.Cha

  • Regiment of SLACAL Salute Its Second Colonel Commandant

    28th March 2024 15:34:54 Hours

    Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture & Livestock bid farewell to the 2nd Colonel Commandant of SLACAL Major General KPSA Fernando RWP RSP ndu on 28 March 2024. Farewell formalities were held in its customary way at the SLACAL Regimental Centre Karandeniya,Ambalangoda.A Guard turnout and a guard of honor was accorded to the Major General KPSA Fernando RWP RSP ndu by the Troops of the Regiment. During the troops address he was shared his thoughts on how this regiment was upgraded during his period and thanked all who supported to the uplift this regiment to the present standard. The days' events were concluded with a Mess Night at the officers' Mess SLACAL,Karandeniya.

  • 7th Regimental Council Meeting of SLACAL

    19th March 2024 15:55:51 Hours

    The Seventh Regimental Council Meeting of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture & Livestock was held on 19 March 2024 at the Director General Infantry Conference hall, Army Headquarters-Baththaramulla.The Director General Infantry & Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock Major General KPSA Fernando RWP RSP ndu was presided the Council Meeting.

    Major General PPA Perera Hdmc psc, Major General AMKGPSK Abeysinghe, Brigadier BN Madanayake RWP RSP, Brigadier EMGA Ambanpola,Centre Commandant of SLACAL - Brigadier KASK Siriwardana RWP RSP USP,Colonel MAS Weligama,Colonel MNJ Perera, and Lieutenant Colonel KS Thalagala USP were joined with the Council Meeting as Council members.During the meeting they discussed about the Officers related matters, General matters, Admin matters, Log matters and concluded with important decisions relevant to the SLACAL Regiment.

  • 1st Quater Offrs Trg Day 2024-RHQ SLACAL

    11th March 2024 20:55:51 Hours

    1st quater Offrs Trg day for 2024 was held on 11 March 2024 at Regimental Centre, Corps of Agriculture & Livestock Karandeniya. The Director General Infantry and Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture & Livestock Major General KPSA Fernando RWP RSP ndu was graced the occasion as the chief guest. The Centre Commandant of SLACAL, Brigadier KASK Siriwardhana RWP RSP USP, Staff officers of regimental centre and officers of SLACAL were participated at the event.


    06th March 2024 08:40:36 Hours

  • SLACAL Commanding Officers Conference Held at RHQ - SLACAL

    28th January 2024 12:55:51 Hours

    Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock is making a great contribution to finding solutions to overcome the current economic crisis in the country. In such a background, with the aim of solving the administrative matters of the Agriculture Battalions and its undercommand army farms spread across the island Commanding Officers' Conference was held at RHQ - SLACAL on 28 January 2024.

    It was presided by Director General Infantry and the Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock Major General KPSA Fernando RWP RSP ndu.Director Agriculture & Livestock Brigadier BN Madanayaka RWP RSP, Centre Commandant of the regiment KASK Siriwardhana RWP RSP USP, School Commandant ,Commanding Officers and Staff Officers of the Regimental Centre were among the participants.

    After analysis the current progress of the matters presented in the last COs conference, the Colonel Commandant started this discussion by explaining how this regiment should establish a strong administrative system to get the maximum productivity from the Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and discussions mainly focused on matters pertaining to development and administrative aspects of the Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock,Other administrative and logistic matters pertaining to Regiment were discussed during the conference.

    During the discussion, Colonel Commandant spoke on the key areas of new mechanism that aims at inspiring more officers to take part in careeer courses to be professional in their field of Agriculture and Livestock.Arrangements were also initiated by appointing responsible Senior Officers to facilitate the officers preparing for the promotion examinations and proclaimed to ensure that every officer should pass the examination at his first attempt.

    Further, participation of other ranks in all career courses counducted by School of Agriculture should be made mandatory for the carrier progression and the groundwork agriculture field for the same was also discussed.

    Finally,Colonel Commandant ended the discussion by pointing out that the dedication and courage of the Officers and other ranks of the Corps of Agriculture and Livestock is essential for the development of this Corps.