Inauguration of 100 Acres Chilli Cultivation at Army Farm Kandakadu.
Today marks the commencement of the large scale of chilli cultivation project on 100 acres of land with irrigation system.The event was conducted with the participation of Lt Col DLCN Muththanthirige Commanding Officer 3 (V) SLACAL and all troops.
Pickled Cucumber project launched by 3 (V) SLACAL at Kandakadu Army Farm
As a supportive mechanism to the government’s cultivation drive Green Agriculture Steering Committee (GASC) was spearheaded by Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, Commander of the Army in order to supplement and promote the island’s food security programme by cultivating more than 1500 acres of barren or abandoned state lands across the country.
In line with above programmes as per the guidance of Major General WBSM Abeysekera RSP USP the Director General Financial Management(DGFM) of the Army and Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock the 3(V) battalion of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock composite with HJS Condiments Limited belongs to Hayleys Agriculture sector on 06 August 2022 launched Pickled Cucumber project at Army farm Kandakadu.Main intention of this project is to generate foreign exchange directly to the country and to promote industries belonging to agriculture sector.
Director Agriculture and Livestock Brigadier Arosha Rajapaksha RSP, CEO and the Director Mr.Ananda Pathirage, Director Financial Management Mr.Asiri Jayabodi, other officers of HJS Condiments limited and senior officers and other ranks of 3(V) SLACAL participated in the event.