SLACAL Commenced Upcountry Cultivation
Troops of the Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock, formally raised on 4th January 2021 and presently 19 Army farms are handling under the Directorate of Agriculture and Livestock after established Green Agriculture Steering Committee (GASC) by Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, Commander of the Army in order to supplement and promote the island’s food security programme.Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock has already started the cultivation of all types of crops in a vast area of the island by continuing the cultivation war day by day and is taking all necessary steps to develop these activities in the future as well.
In line with above programs as per the guidance of Major General WBSM Abeysekera RSP USP the Director General Financial Management(DGFM) of the Army and Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture & Livestock and with the instructions of Director A & L Brigadier Arosha Rajapaksha RSP most recently, the Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock was able to start several new army farms Pangolla,Ridiyagama,Manikpalama,Veerawila and under the development of non cultivated lands on Agriculture, the land of 30 acres belongs to NLDB been currently developed by SL Army to strength countrys economy the 1st battalion of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock has started Carrot cultivation in 3.5 acres of land in the first stage at Dayagama on 02 September 2022.
Carrot is a winter season crop and if grown at 15°C to 20°C will develop a very good colour. Carrot crop needs deep loose loamy soil and pH should be ranging from 6.0 to 7.0 for higher production.The total area takeover by SLACAL is 25 acres and this will be increased in future.
Presently land preparation was done as per the required standards and root enlargement stage of carrot is the most critical stage of water. Light, frequent irrigation is required to obtained good yield.Accordingly, it is possible to see how the land has been properly irrigated to obtain a large harvest under the supervision of Lieutenant AR Wanigasingha SLACAL.