


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.


1 Number of Pennenent Houses Constructed 767
2 Construction of Hospitals/ Pre Schools/ Schools and Children 23
3 Number of bicycles Distributed to Students 1,120
4 Number of Schoolships and Stationaries awarded 11,322
5 Number of School Children Welfare Progranuns 73
6 Number of Wheel Chairs and Artificial Limbs Distributed 193
7 Number of Spectacles Distributed and Catract Surgeries Conducted 4,786
8 Water Supply Projects and Constructions of Tanks 44
9 Tree Planting Programmes and Coconut Plants Distribution Progranune 32
10 Dengue Programmes 169
11 Renovate the Road and Bridges 3
  • Tri Services and Police Ex-Servicemen Get-Together in Jaffna

    20th March 2021 13:04:45 Hours

    Tri Forces and Police veterans who live in Jaffna peninsula were hosted and entertained during a get- together organized by Security Force Headquarters – (Jaffna) at Thalsevana Holiday Resort on Friday, 19 March 2021. The get- together was organized under the directions of the Commander Security Force – Jaffna, Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu. Veterans who served in the services during 1970-1990 were facilitated a day with exhilaration and entertainment at the Thalsevana Holiday Resort.

  • Army Extends Helping Hand for the Development of Cricket in Jaffna

    14th March 2021 21:24:09 Hours

    In addition to the relief assistance provided by the Security Forces for the low income families in the peninsula, under the guidance of the Commander Security Force Jaffna, Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu, army extended their contribution for the construction of “Sri Baskaran Cricket Ground” at Mallakam as a one more step of uplifting standards of cricket in Jaffna.

    Mr. Kanapathipllai Maheshan, Government Agent - Jaffna graced the occasion as the Chief Guest together with the General Officer Commanding 51 Infantry Division Major General Sumith Premalal RWP RSP USP, Mayor of Jaffna, Mr. Vishvalingam Manivannan, Divisional Secretary, Mr. S Sivasri, Vice President of Sri Lanka Cricket, Mr. Ravin Wickramarathne, Head of National Development Centre Sri Lanka Cricket, Mr. Kamal Dharmasiri and Commander 513 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier Mohammed Fariz USP. During the opening ceremony, Chief Guest unveiled a plaque and declared open the “Sri Baskaran Cricket Ground” at Mallakam on Sunday, 14 March 2021.

  • Foreign Employees Proceeding Home After Government Quarantine Process

    13th March 2021 15:52:04 Hours

    A number of 155 foreign employees flew from Dubai set off to their homes after completing more than two - week quarantine process at Vidaththapalai Quarantine Centre in Jaffna, on Saturday, 13 March 2021. Having gone through the required quarantine procedures, they were awarded with quarantine certificates by Commander 522 Brigade, Brigadier Janaka Wijesiri RSP, Colonel General Staff 52 Infantry Division. Soon after the awarding of certificates personnel who underwent the quarantine process appreciated the commitment and dedication of the army troops at Vidaththapalei Quarantine Centre.

    The quarantined personnel were segregated according to their respective residential areas and provided transport facilities to reach their destinations in Kaluthara, Monaragala, Matara, Ampara, Rathnapura and Jaffna. Furthermore, those personnels were provided with packets of meals, snacks, water bottle etc before commencing their journey back home.

  • Commander Security Forces Jaffna Reviewed The Situation on Covid – 19 in Jaffna

    13th March 2021 12:48:44 Hours

    Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu Commander Security Forces Jaffna who was appointed as the Chief Coordinator for controlling and prevention of Covid-19 in Jaffna District presided a reviewing conference on Covid – 19 control operations in Jaffna District on 12 March 2021 at the Government Agent’s Office Jaffna.

    Initially commenting on these discussion, the GA stated that the current situation in Jaffna pertaining to Covid-19 has been deteriorating mainly due to the negligence of the general public. Subsequently, the Regional Director of Health Services presented a statistical data of the current situation and was briefed on the existing regulations.

  • Foreign Employees Proceeding Home After Government Quarantine Process

    11th March 2021 18:35:19 Hours

    A number of 214 foreign employees flew from Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman Set off to their homes after completing two - week quarantine process at Vasavilan Quarantine Centre in Jaffna, on Tuesday, 11 March 2021. Having gone through the required quarantine procedures, they were awarded with quarantine certificates by Commander 522 Brigade, Brigadier Janaka Wijesiri RSP, Commander 521 Infantry Brigade and General Staff Officer 1 (Operation) 52 Infantry Division. Soon after the awarding of certificates personnel who under went the quarantine process appreciated the commitment and dedication of the army troops at Vasavillan Quarantine Centre.

  • Tree Planting Campaign at Eluthumaduwal in Jaffna

    09th March 2021 22:38:37 Hours

    “Caritas - HUDEC Jaffna”, the Social arm of the Catholic Church of Jaffna launched a mega Tree Planting Campaign under the theme of “Friendship Journey of Caritas Family to North” at Eluthumadduval in Jaffna with the assistance of Security Force Jaffna on Tuesday, 09 March 2021.

    Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin B Gnanapragasam, Bishop of Jaffna and Chairman Caritas Sri Lanka –SEDEC graced the occasion as the Chief Guest together with the Commander Security Force Jaffna Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu and the Assistant District Secretary Jaffna, Mrs. Krishanthini Kamalarajan. Security Force Headquarters Jaffna extended the fullest support to make the programme a success on request of Director of HUDEC- Caritas Jaffna Rev. Fr. S. Eugene Francis.

    After multi religious observances, welcome speech was delivered by Revd. Fr. S Eugene Francis - Director, HUDEC Caritas Jaffna followed by unveiling plaque by Bishop of Jaffna. Caged pigeons were released by Commander Security Force Jaffna, other religious leaders and Assistant District Secretary Jaffna marked the peace and reconciliation among the nationalities.

  • Jaffna Troops Donate Dry Ration Packets to 1000 Destitute Families

    08th March 2021 07:27:20 Hours

    Security Force Headquarters Jaffna organized another welfare programme for 1000 destitute families coinciding with the International Women’s Day that falls on 8th March. On the concept of Commander Security Force Jaffna, Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu, troops serving in Jaffna distributed thousand nutritious dry rations packs on the eve of the International Women’s Day with the intention of ensuring the quality life of underprivileged Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim families, including pregnant and widows in the peninsula.

    After multi religious observances the function was held at the Chunnakam South play ground on Saturday, 06 March 2021 with the participation of the Commander Security Force Jaffna as the Chief Guest, at which the selected beneficiaries were given dry ration packs of basic essentials such as rice, dhal, sugar, milk powder, tea, corn flour and other nutritional food items. Especially donated sanitary items packs and baby items packs for pregnant mothers along with dry ration packs, value of approximately 2.5 million. Prior to the event snack packets and water bottles were provided for all participants by the troops and Nestle Lanka (Pvt) Ltd provided 1000 plus cup of Nestomalt to the all participants.

    During speech, Commander Security Force Jaffna highlighted that this donation programme was organized on the conceptual guidelines of the Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army General Shavendra Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc. Further, Commander Security Force Jaffna expressed his gratitudes to all parties involved in making the donation programme a success.

  • International Day of Free Public Transport Marks Planting Saplings in Kankesanthurai

    05th March 2021 20:53:50 Hours

    A tree planting event was conducted in parallel to the International day of Free Public Transport, under the guidance of the Commander, Security Force - Jaffna, Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu in coordination with Mr. Nishantha Peris, Chief Station Master and his staff of Kankesanthurai Railway Station at Kankasanthurei on Friday, 05 March 2021.

  • Foreign Employees Proceeding Home After Government Quarantine Process

    02nd March 2021 13:27:47 Hours

    A number of 132 foreign employees flew from Dubai, Kuwait, Qatar and Japan Set off to their homes after completing more than two - week quarantine process at Vasavilan Quarantine Centre in Jaffna, on Tuesday, 02 March 2021. Having gone through the required quarantine procedures, they were awarded with quarantine certificates by Brigadier Admin and Quartering - Security Force Headquarters (Jaffna), Brigadier Hiran Drahiem, Commander 521 Infantry Brigade and Colonel General Staff 52 Infantry Division. Soon after the awarding of certificates personnel who went through the quarantine process appreciated the commitment and dedication of the army troops at Vasavillan Quarantine Centre.

  • Commander Security Force Jaffna Declared Open the Coconut Collecting and Export Centre

    28th February 2021 20:07:58 Hours

    The Commander Security Force Jaffna, Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu declared open the Tropical Green Exports (Pvt) Ltd which operates as coconut collecting and processing centre at Eluthumaduwal on Sunday, 28 February 2021 upon the invitation extended by Mr Sheahan Arasaratam, Managing Director of Tropical Green Exports (Pvt) Ltd.

    The Tropical Green Exports (Pvt) Ltd established their second factory in view of offering job opportunities to the poor people in the area. So far, this company has offered more than 30 job opportunities to the both male and female which is considered as the great relief for the unemployed personnel in the area. Further, Mr Sheahan Arasaratam said that his endeavor to bring foreign exchange through exporting the byproducts of coconut.

    Managing Director of Tropical Green Exports (Pvt) Ltd mentioned during his speech that, this project was initiated in Jaffna on the concept of Chief of the Defence Staff and the Commander of the Army, General Shavendra Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc. Furthermore, he said that the assistance extended by the Commander Security Force Jaffna, Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu was a great source of encouragement to mark his attempt a meaningful one.