


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

04th August 2021 16:07:40 Hours

Sterilization Programme in Point Pedro Town

Troops of 551 Infantry Brigade carried out a sterilization programme in Point Pedro town on 29 July 2021 when the town was re-opened for general public after a locked down period of 14 days. This disinfection programme was. supervised by Commander 551 Infantry Brigade on instructions of Major General T J Kodituwakku RWP RSP ndu, Commander Security Forces (Jaffna) and Major General M K Jayawardena RSP USP ndu, General Officer Commanding 55 Infantry Division.

Troops of 16th (V) Battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry, cleaned and disinfected Bus Stand, Shopping Complex, Three-wheeler park and Fish Market in Point Pedro town in coordination with Public Health Inspectors of Point Pedro and Police.