11th December 2021 22:10:49 Hours
New full-fledged training wing and Warrant Officers & Sergent mess accommodation of the 3rd Signal Regiment was formally inaugurated on 10th December 2021 during a simple ceremony, graced by Major General PAJ Peiris ndu Chief Signal Officer of the Sri Lanka Army and Colonel Commandant of the Sri Lanka Signals Corps, and with the participation of Brigadier GS Fonseka USP psc Regimental Centre Commandant of Sri Lanka Signal Corps on the invitation of Lieutenant Colonel HADW Hettiarachchi USP psc Commanding Officer 3 SLSC.
21st October 2021 18:09:50 Hours
78th Anniversary of the Corps of Signals was celebrated on 19 Oct 2021 observing the laid down Government protocols for COVID-19 at the Home of Signals, Panagoda. The occasion was grazed by the Chief Signals Offr of the Army and the Col Comdt of the Corps of Signals Maj Gen Asoka Peiris.
23rd August 2021 14:08:50 Hours
Major General PAJ Peiris ndu, the Chief Signal Officer of Sri Lanka Army and the Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Signal Corps paid his first official visit to 2nd Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps on 20 August 2021 after assuming duties as the Chief Signal Officer of Sri Lanka Army and Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Signal Corps.
10th August 2021 16:24:50 Hours
The Corps of Signals conducted a charming felicitation ceremony on 10 August 2021 at the Signal Regimental Centre premises to appreciate newly promoted Major General HMLD Herath RSP USP psc Commander Signal Brigade adhering to all health regulations on COVID 19.
12th July 2021 16:07:22 Hours
Major General PAJ Peiris ndu, the Chief Signal Officer of Sri Lanka Army and the Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Signal Corps paid his first official visit to 7th Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps on 10 July 2021 after assuming duties as the Colonel Commandant.
28th May 2021 14:40:41 Hours
In order to overcome the rapid spread of Covid 19 disease as per the guidance of the Head of the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO), Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, an Intermediate Care Center was established in Brandix apparel limited factory premises at Seeduwa with the capacity of 1200 beds.
19th May 2021 14:56:14 Hours
In order to control the spread of COVID 19 within the island, Sri Lanka Army directly involved in the vaccination process with the direction of the Head of the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID 19 Outbreak (NOCPCO), Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army.
30th April 2021 16:07:40 Hours
Troops of 11 SLSC constructed house for Late Sergeant Kumarasinhe J was handed over to his family was took place at Wattegama on 29 April 2021.
20th March 2021 09:15:43 Hours
Revitalizing an age-old military tradition again, Major General PAJ Peiris ndu, Chief Signal Officer of Sri Lanka Army and Colonel Commandant Sri Lanka Signal Corps and other senior officers and officers of the Sri Lanka Signal Corps hosted a farewell dinner in honour of the retired, Brigadier WGD Wanniarchchi psc, Brigadier NP Akuranthilaka, Brigadier WL Premasiri USP, Brigadier LSP Perera USP, Brigadier DLSU de Silva USP, Lieutenant Colonel LRK Kahadagamage RSP and Lieutenant Colonel KNP de Silva USP on 19 March 2021 at Regimental Centre Officers’ Mess.
15th March 2021 18:56:48 Hours
The Chief Signal Officer of the Sri lanka Army and Colonel Commandant, Sri Lanka Signal Corps Major General PAJ Peiris ndu made his maiden official visit to the 1 SLSC on 13 March 2021.