23rd January 2018 15:30:42 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:30:42 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:30:40 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:30:40 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:30:40 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:30:40 Hours
Sri Lanka Signal Corps proudly celebrated its 70th Anniversary in a grand scale during the period from 23rd October 2013 to 26th October 2013 including series of events with the participation of Major General EP De Z Abeysekera USP, the Deputy Chief of Staff and the Colonel Commandant of the Sri Lanka Signal Corps and many other senior Signal officers. These series of events commenced with all night Pirith Chanting Ceremony held on the 23 October. Next day (24), the monument parade was held in tribute to all fallen heroes of the Corps of Signals, whereas the President of Sevavanitha Signal Branch Mrs Sandamali Abeysekera, retired senior officers, serving officers and next of kin of valiant war heroes were also participated at the event. Later, on the same day, an alms giving for 25 Buddhist priests was held and a special lunch was organized for all participants. During the end of the day$s event, next of kins of the fallen war heroes were rewarded with gifts by the Colonel Commandant and the President of Sevavanitha Signal Branch.
23rd January 2018 15:30:40 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:30:40 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:30:40 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:30:40 Hours