
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

23rd January 2018 15:30:42 Hours


Both Officers and Other Ranks of the Corps of Signals who are serving at the HQCSO, Directorate of IT, Signals Brigade, Signals Regimental Centre, 5 SLSC, 10 SLSC, 11 SLSC and 12 SLSC located within the Signals premises in Panagoda held their festive event of the New Year 2017 on Saturday, 08th April 2017. The ceremony was graced by Major General K R P Rowel RWP USP ndu psc, the Chief Signal Officer, Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Signals and the Director General of the RAP and D Branch as the Chief Guest. Lighting of the traditional oil lamp by the Chief Guest and the playing of the National Anthem signed the formal commencement of the festival. An array of well organized games and events attracted the hearts and minds of all the participants, which included many merry-making traditional games and competitions, such as, cross-country running, pot-cracking, pillow-fighting, barrier races, grease-pole climbing, tracing the hidden guest, cadjan weaving, tug-of-war, musical chairs, disabled soldiers’ running event, slow-riding bikes, fancy dress performance, selection of the ‘Avurudu Kumaraya’ (New Year prince), selection of the ‘Avurudu Kumari’ (New Year princess) etc and some special events were on for the kids such as bun-eating, eye-placing on the elephant, blowing balloons etc that dominated the series of events to the much amusement of everyone. A model of a traditional village home \'Gama Gedera\' that amply signified our cultural heritage facilitated for all the guests and participants with traditional refreshments unique to this traditional festive season in the country. Chairperson of the Signals Seva vanitha Branch Mrs Ramya Kumari Rowel together with many members and their families as well as Maj Gen B H M A Wijesinghe USP ndu psc, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks of the Corps of Signals made it a scene of dynamic happening.