


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.


1 Number of Pennenent Houses Constructed 767
2 Construction of Hospitals/ Pre Schools/ Schools and Children 23
3 Number of bicycles Distributed to Students 1,120
4 Number of Schoolships and Stationaries awarded 11,322
5 Number of School Children Welfare Progranuns 73
6 Number of Wheel Chairs and Artificial Limbs Distributed 193
7 Number of Spectacles Distributed and Catract Surgeries Conducted 4,786
8 Water Supply Projects and Constructions of Tanks 44
9 Tree Planting Programmes and Coconut Plants Distribution Progranune 32
10 Dengue Programmes 169
11 Renovate the Road and Bridges 3
  • 52 Infantry Division Distributes Bicycles to Selected School Children

    09th February 2022 16:04:46 Hours

    Distribution of bicycles to selected two school children in the area was held on 7 February 2022 at the Divisional Headquarters. The bicycles were donated by Mr. Subramaniyam Rajigaran an expatriate donor and distributed by the General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division Major General Samantha Wickramasena RWP RSP USP along with the Staff Officers of Divisional Headquarters.

  • Jaffna Troops Strengthen Civil Military Co-Operation

    07th February 2022 17:36:46 Hours

    The reliefs indulgence to 50 pregnant mothers and 50 school Children in Jaffna having bestowed essential dry ration packs and school items to perk up their living conditions and enrich their learning, conceptualized by Major General Sujeewa Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu to strengthen the civil military co-operation activities, organized by Security Forces (Jaffna) was taken place at Tissa Raja Maha Viharaya premises in Kankasanthurei on 06 February 2022. The generous sponsorship for the event was extended by troops of 51, 52 and 55 divisions, Forward Maintenances Area (North) and Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna).

  • Cleaning and Awareness Programme to Prevent From Dengue

    06th February 2022 20:02:43 Hours

    Inline with the National Dengue prevention programme, the troops of 14th Gajaba Regiment conducted 4 Days of cleaning and awareness Campaign covering Jaffna town area from 30 January 2022 to 03 February 2022 with the participation of police and staff of medical Health care centre Jaffna. This programme was organized on the instruction of Major General Chandana Wickramasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc with close supervision of commander 512 infantry brigade Col Thanuja Godewatta RWP RSP.

  • Shramadana Campaign

    01st February 2022 15:40:57 Hours

    The troops of 9 (V) SLLI Battalian conducted a Shramadana campaign at Ramananthan Girls’ College premises - Inuvil on 30 January 2022.

  • Jaffna Troops Successfully Concluded a Four-Day Workshop on Coordination of Organic Fertilizer Production for Yala Season - 2022

    31st January 2022 18:12:10 Hours

    Security Forces – Jaffna successfully concluded a four-day workshop conducted to coordinate organic farming and sustainable agriculture in order to create a healthy generation of eco friendly health care environment in line with His Excellency the President’s Vision of “Vistas Prosperity’’ National programme on 29 January 2022. This was conducted at Agriculture Training Centre - Thirunaveli from 24 January 2022 to 28 January 2022 in collaboration with Department of Agriculture and Department of Agrarian Development of Northern Province.

  • Security Forces - Jaffna Leadership Workshop for Jaffna Teacher Trainees

    30th January 2022 14:11:18 Hours

    Leadership is the ability of an individual or the group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization. Hence, grooming to groom our future generation, Major General Chandana Wikramasinghe, General Officer Commanding - 51 Division conducted an opening address of the leadership workshop conducted for the teacher trainees at National College of Education in Jaffna on 26 January 2022. Approximately, 750 x teacher trainees those who are undergoing training at the College participated for the workshop. These teacher trainees belong to all ethnicities such as Tamil, Muslims and Sinhalese of batch Number 18, 19 and 20.

  • Jaffna Troops Build One More New House for a Needy Family

    26th January 2022 17:18:49 Hours

    One more underprivileged family in Alvai received a new house from the Security Force Headquarters Jaffna after their plight was brought to the notice of Major General Sujeewa Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, Commander Security Forces Jaffna.

    The new house handing over ceremony to Mrs. Tharsan Yogeshwari was held with the gracious presence of Major General Sujeewa Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, Commander Security Forces Jaffna together with former Chairman Ceylon Chamber of Commerce Mr. Rajendra Theagarajah and Brigadier Prasanna Gunaratne RSP ndu psc IG, General Officer Commanding 55 Infantry Division on Wednesday, 26 January 2022.

  • 2022 Malaria Prevention Program- 11 VIR

    20th January 2022 20:54:47 Hours

    Troops of the 11 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment launched a Malarial Eradication Campaign covering Siruppidi, Neervely, Puttur and Navakkeri on 19th January 2022, in the 521 Infantry Brigade Area.

    In line with the Concept of Commander Security Force Jaffna and on instruction of the General Officer Commanding of 52 Infantry Division, the Campaign got under way under the supervision and direction of the Brigade Commander 521 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier Mahean Salwatura. The MOH Kopay, PHI and Gramaniladari also attended to the program.

  • ‘Thaipongal’ Celebration At Vallipuram Alvar Kovil

    19th January 2022 15:50:54 Hours

    Thai Pongal,’ the thanksgiving or the festival of harvest was marked at the end of the harvest season and is one of the most important festivals, celebrated by Hindus in Sri Lanka together with their fellow-believers in the South Asia.

  • Thaipongal Celebrations of 521 Infantry Brigade

    18th January 2022 16:10:52 Hours

    The main morning pooja on the day of Thaipongal at the Selva Sannaddi Kovil was co-sponsored by the 521 Brigade Headquarters and the 11th Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment.