


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.


1 Number of Pennenent Houses Constructed 767
2 Construction of Hospitals/ Pre Schools/ Schools and Children 23
3 Number of bicycles Distributed to Students 1,120
4 Number of Schoolships and Stationaries awarded 11,322
5 Number of School Children Welfare Progranuns 73
6 Number of Wheel Chairs and Artificial Limbs Distributed 193
7 Number of Spectacles Distributed and Catract Surgeries Conducted 4,786
8 Water Supply Projects and Constructions of Tanks 44
9 Tree Planting Programmes and Coconut Plants Distribution Progranune 32
10 Dengue Programmes 169
11 Renovate the Road and Bridges 3
  • Medical Accessories Gifted to Army Chief Distributed

    03rd January 2022 22:29:20 Hours

    A stock of medical accessories, gifted to the Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, General Shavendra Silva by Mr Senaka Senevirathna and Sri Lankans in USA were donated to the Teaching Hospital, Jaffna on 03 January 2022.

  • Troops take Dry Ration packs to doorsteps in Jaffna

    03rd January 2022 22:24:53 Hours

    With the objective of alleviating economic hardships and enhance livelihood standards of the people, 100 x dry ration packs were distributed among 100 deserving families at their doorstep, in the areas of Colombothurei, Velvetithurei and Arali-Kodikkadu with the generous sponsorship extended by Dr. Sukumar and Ann Nagendran from USA.

  • Distribution of Shoes Among School Children

    26th December 2021 12:48:58 Hours

    In line with monthly CIMIC calendar, 51 Infantry Division distributed 150 pairs of shoes among students in 51 Infantry Division area Jaffna. This was held with the participation of 50 students at Headquarters, 51 Infantry Division on 25 December 2021 and simultaneously 512 Brigade, 513 Brigade and 515 Brigade distributed rest of the shoes for students in their respective areas.

  • Jaffna Commander Donates Computers to Former LTTE Combatant

    14th December 2021 16:29:09 Hours

    During a brief ceremony organized at the Natural Park Holiday Resort on 13 December 2021, five desktop computers, computer tables and chairs were donated to the Institute of Computer World Visit Education in Veththalakeni. This education institute is being conducted by a former LTTE combatant, Mrs. Sebasthiyan Pulle Selvakayagee who has been disabled by war. She helps students in the Veththanlakeni area by providing the computer knowledge free of charge.

    The Commander Security Forces Jaffna, Major General Jagath Kodithuwakku RWP RSP ndu graced ceremony as the chief guest together with Major General Mahinda Jayawardena RSP USP ndu and handed over the computers and other equipments worth of Rs.600000.00. to expand the charity service of Mrs. Sebasthiyan Pulle Selvakayagee.

  • Dry Ration Packs for Needy Families and Stationeries for Pre Schoolings in Navatkuli

    12th December 2021 12:36:55 Hours

    Troops of 52 Infantry Division on directions of Brigadier GGAS Wickramasena RWP RSP USP psc, General Officer Commanding of 52 Infantry division donated dry ration packs ,each worth about Rs 3500/= for 25 underprivileged families residing in Navatkuli area and stationery items for 16 children of ‘‘Lakdaru’’pre school in Navatkuli on 11 December 2021.

  • Jaffna Troops Launch a Series of 'Shramadana' at Religious Places

    10th December 2021 19:44:48 Hours

    Troops of 512 and 513 Infantry Brigades under 51 Infantry Division conducted a series of 'Sharamadana' campaigns to beautify and to keep the religious places free from dengue mosquitoes in Jaffna peninsula on 09 December 2021.

  • Frontliners in Controlling and Prevention of Covid-19 Pandemic Felicitated by Jaffna Commander

    05th December 2021 18:50:01 Hours

    In appreciation and recognition of the great humanitarian assistance of frontliners during the COVID-19 pandemic in Jaffna peninsula, a felicitation ceremony was organized at Army Holiday Resort, Kankasanthurei under the guidance of Commander Security Forces Jaffna and District Coordinator of COVID-19 Control and Prevention in Jaffna, Major General Jagath Kodithuwakku RWP RSP ndu who graced the ceremony as the chief guest on 04 December 2021.

    During the ceremony, 29 Medical Officers, 86 Public Health Inspectors and 210 midwives were awarded service appreciation certificates as they rendered their humanitarian assistance to save lives of Jaffna populace, beyond capacity despite all challenges towards their lives during the COVID - 19 pandemic.

  • Two New Houses for Ex- LTTE Families in Jaffna

    29th November 2021 16:32:47 Hours

    During brief ceremonies organized by the troops of 55 Infantry Division, Commander Security Forces Jaffna Major General Jagath Kodithuwakku RWP RSP ndu, laid the foundation stones for the construction of two new houses for rehabilitated EX- LTTE families; Mrs. Tharsan Yogeshwari and Mrs. Nirojan Yogam in Alvai and Thumpalai, Jaffna respectively on 28 November 2021.

  • Two more Army Built Houses Warmed & Inaugurated in Jaffna

    27th November 2021 22:14:40 Hours

    Troops of the Security Forces Jaffna built two new houses for deserving families in Karainagar and Puttur after their plights were brought to the notice of Major General Jagath Kodithuwakku RWP RSP ndu, Commander Security Forces Jaffna.

  • Troops of 51 Division Engage in Shramadana Campaigns

    23rd November 2021 12:12:06 Hours

    Troops of 51 Division launched a “Shramadana Campaigns” to clear the surroundings of the Headquarters, 51 Division premises with the collaboration of Selvapuram and Kopai villages on 23 November 2021 as one more community project. The aim of holding this shramadana was to ensure that this area in free of mosquito breeding places in order to stop the spreading of dengue.

    The Shramadana campaign got underway in response to a request by the surrounding villagers and approximately 30 Army personnel and 20 villagers were participated.