


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

10th December 2022 14:50:29 Hours

Another Welfare Project by 55 Infantry Division

The troops of 55 Infantry Division constructed a home for Sergeant Bandaranayaka, who has been performing duties as a clerk in the Division for newly 4 years.

This Senior Non-Commissioned Officer together with two daughters and his spouse were living at a partially built house with one bedroom, kitchen, and a small living area that had neither plastered nor door/window frames which created an utmost sense of insecurity.

Upon the above condition being made known to the General Officer Commanding of 55 Infantry Division, Major General Prasanna Gunarathna prompt actions were taken for the completion of the constructions of the house that consists of 3 x bedrooms, kitchen, living area and a veranda.

The patron Mr Vish Nadaraja who lives in USA had contributed required financial assistance (Rs 1.3 million) while troops of 55 Infantry Division had built the house with technical knowledge, manpower and continuous supervision and direction of the Major General Prasanna Gunaratne within two months from 10 October 2022.

The completed house was handed over to Sergeant Bandaranayaka’s family by way of a simple ceremony on 08 December 2022.