


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

20th December 2022 19:35:14 Hours

Learn English with 51 Infantry Division

Inline with the annual CIMIC programme, 51 Infantry Division organized an English course for the students of grade 4 to 10 who are preparing for the year end examination. The inauguration ceremony was held on 08 December 2022 at the Divisional Facility Complex with the participation of 90 Students in Selvapuram, Yogapuram and Kopay areas which belong to 51 Infantry Division.

The course was initiated under the conceptual guidance and the supervision of Major General Mahendra Fernando, former General Officer Commanding 51 Infantry Division with the blessings of Major General Chandana Wijayasundara, former Commander, Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna).

The main intention of this programme is to ameliorate the English knowledge of the school students and assistance to get through the examination without any difficulty. Captain Roshni Ranasinghe, the English Instructor at SF HQ (J) undertook the responsibility of conducting those classes every Thursday between 2.30 - 4.30 pm at the Headquarters 51 Infantry Division premises. During the class children are provided with refreshment as mid- evening meal.

Major General Mahendra Fernando address all the children and emphasize the importance of leaning English language during the inauguration ceremony and children were provided with the exercise books and pens as a study material.