02nd February 2018 15:13:33 Hours
Members of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) Seva Vanitha Unit chaired by Mrs. Shirani Udawatta, Chairperson, visited ‘Abimansala-2’ Wellness Resort at Kamburupitiya and spent the day with the inmates on 20 September. Mrs. Shamali Etipola, Vice President, SLCMP Seva Vanitha Unit attended the event as the Chief Guest. SLCMP Seva Vanitha ladies donated items such as soap, toothpaste, cologne, razor blades, etc. to dependent War Heroes responding to a request made by the administration. The get-together organized by the 6 SLCMP Seva Vanitha Unit followed a delicious lunch and a musical entertainment which amused the inmates.
02nd February 2018 15:12:29 Hours
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) Seva Vanitha Unit on Saturday (8) gave away 3 financial grants for SLCMP other ranks for the medical treatments of their children of 1,2, and 9 years who are suffering from severe neurological disorders. This event was organized by 2 SLCMP-SVU members at the SLCMP Officers’ Mess, Polhengoda. Warrant officer 1 M.M Karunasena of 4 SLCMP, Staff Sergeant W.M.E Wasantha kumara of 3-SLCMP, Sergeant W.M.W Wijesundara of 2-SLCMP received donations worth of Rs. 7500/= each. At the same time, monthly meeting of the SLCMP chaired by Mrs. Shirani Udawatta, Chairperson, SLCMP- SVU was held at the same venue.
02nd February 2018 15:11:34 Hours
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) Seva Vanitha Unit was held at the SLCMP Regimental Headquarters, Polhengoda on Saturday (20). Chairperson, SLCMP Seva Vanitha Unit, Mrs. Shirani Udawatte and all members of the SLCMP Seva Vanitha Unit were present at the event. Former Chairpersons of SLCMP also attended the AGM. Moreover, SLCMP-SVU ladies watched a cookery demonstration and listened to a lecture on Social ethics.
02nd February 2018 15:10:00 Hours
The Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) Seva Vanitha Unit members, chaired by Mrs. Shirani Udawatta, Chairperson, SLCMP Seva Vanitha Unit visited ‘Abimansala-3 at Pangolla Wellness Resort and spent the day with the inmates on Saturday (9). SLCMP Seva Vanitha ladies donated track bottoms to dependent War Heroes responding a request made by the administration. Moreover, a gift pack including necessary items for their day today life was donated by Mrs Shirani Udawatta on the same occasion. The get-together organized by the 1 SLCMP Seva Vanitha followed a delicious lunch and a musical entertainment which amused the inmates.
02nd February 2018 15:01:52 Hours
Mrs Shirani Udawatte, Chairperson, Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) Seva Vanitha Unit recently conducted the monthly meeting of the SLCMP Seva Vanitha Unit at Polhengoda, SLCMP Officers’ Mess. In the meantime, the well-read lecturer, Mr. Lal Fonseka delivered a lecture on stress management. Many members of the SLCMP Seva Vanitha Unit attended the programme. This event was organized by Mrs. Keshala Vithanage and spouses of the 4 SLCMP officers. Finally, presented a memento and a gift to the lecturer, Mrs. Shirani Udawatte as a symbol of appreciation.
02nd February 2018 15:00:51 Hours
The monthly meeting of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) Seva Vanitha Unit (SVU) was held at the Officers’Mess, Polhengoda with the participation of Mrs Shirani Udawatte, Chairperson of the SLCMP Seva Vanitha Unit. Meanwhile, 5 scholarships each worth Rs.10,000.00 were distributed among 5 Children of SLCMP soldiers to coincide with the International Women’s Day which fell on March 08. In the meantime, retired senior officer Major General K.A.N.G Kularathna also contributed to the series of meritorious activities conducted by the SLCMP Seva Vanitha Unit offering a Rs.41,979.00 worth Scholarship to K.P Sachini Mangalika Abeysekara, the daughter of Corporal Abeysekara.
02nd February 2018 14:59:37 Hours
The Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) Seva Vanitha members, chaired by Mrs. Shirani Udawatta visited Anuradhapura ‘Abimansala I’, Wellness Resort and spent the day with them, providing them with company and entertainment on Saturday (6). SLCMP Seva Vanitha ladies donated sets of bed sheets and caps to dependent War Heroes. The inmates were also entertained to a delicious lunch treat. For the first time of the SLCMP Seva Vanitha history, a book donation programme was conducted under the guidance of Mrs. Shirani Udawatta. A total of 950 children of soldiers were selected to receive books, needed for the forthcoming school year. The donation programme covered children killed in action (KIA), missing in action (MIA) and wounded in action (WIA) and a section of serving soldiers and civil servants of the SLCMP. Towards the end of the programme, exercise books were symbolically donated to 12 children from Anuradapura District during the stay at ‘Abimansala’.
02nd February 2018 14:57:59 Hours
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) Seva Vanitha Unit, chaired by Mrs. Shirani Udawatta awarded five scholarships to 5 children of SLCMP War Heroes who had obtained high marks in Grade 5 Scholarship Exam in 2014. The donation held at SLCMP Regimental Centre was organized by the Special Investigation unit of the SLCMP under the close supervision of Mrs. Inoka Illangakoon during the recent SLCMP Seva Vanitha Unit monthly meeting.
02nd February 2018 14:54:18 Hours
Sri Lanka Corps Military Police (SLCMP) Seva Vanitha Unit donated 5 sets of sanitary fittings to soldiers of 5 SLCMP on the advice of Mrs Shirani Udawatta, Chairperson, SLCMP Seva Vanitha Unit on Sunday (30). This programme, organized by 5 SLCMP under the supervision of Mrs. Thamasi Abeysinghe was to help the soldiers serving the SLCMP.
02nd February 2018 14:47:03 Hours
A group of six school children from Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) were awarded financial donations, each worth Rs. 5000.00 in appreciation of their achievements in the recent scholarship examination-2013 by SLCMP Seva Vanitha Unit, headed by Mrs. Shirani Udawatta. The scholarships were offered during the monthly general meeting at Officers’ Mess, SLCMP Regimental Centre, Polhengoda on 5 July 2014.