
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

Former Centre Commandants of the Regiment

LT Col SIS Dasanayaka USP
1990.04.19 TO 1992.12.21

Lt Col AB Thoradeniya
1992.12.21 TO 1995.02.01
1997.05.08 TO 1999.05.06

COL MM Meerasibo
1995.02.01 TO 1997.05.08

Col KANSKA Dharmarathna
1999.05.06 To 2004.11.08

Col EKJK Wijayasiri Lsc
2004.11.08 TO 2005.10.03

Col PBD Dias Lsc
2005.10.03 TO 2006.11.10
2007.07.16 TO 2009.01.23

Col CS Atipola Lsc
2006.11.10 TO 2007.07.16
2009.01.23 TO 2010.01.04

Col GKS Fonseka Lsc
2010.01.04 TO 2012.07.12

Brig DKGD Sirisena USP
2012.07.12 TO 2013.10.08
2013.10.08 TO 2014.05.07

Col H Walgama USP
2014.05.07 TO 2016.12.26

Brig IOW Madola
2016.12.27 TO 2017.09.14

Col ASP Podiralahamie USP
2017.09.13 TO 2019.01.03

Brig AL Illangakoon
2019.01.04 TO 2020.02.06

Brig BLR Baminusinghe
2020.02.27 TO 2021.08.09

Brig RD Sallay
2021.08.10 TO 2022.11.18

Brig AMR Abeysinghe
2022.11.18 TO 2023.07.17

Brig HMSI Senarath