The Sri Lanka Armoured Corps Seva Vanitha Branch (SLAC-SVB) conducted monthly meeting and a Bana Preaching event on Nawam Poya Day, 12 February 2025 at Rock House Camp.
The Sri Lanka Armoured Corps Seva Vanitha Branch (SLAC-SVB) conducted monthly meeting and a Bana Preaching event on Nawam Poya Day, 12 February 2025 at Rock House Camp.
On October 18, 2024, the Seva Vanitha Branch of the Sri Lanka Armoured Corps held a musical evening called "Singalong with BLACK 2024" to collect money at Cavalry Mess, Rock House Camp.
The donation of tablet computers, scholarships, and books to the offspring of soldiers and civil staff of ACTC, 3 SLAC, 4 SLAC, 5 SLAC, 6 SLAC, and 7 SLAC was held at the respective premises during 18 – 22 November 2021. The President of Armour Ladies Club Dr. (Mrs.) Harshini Bothota attended as the Chief Guest for the simple ceremonies.
Under the guidance of the President of the Armour Ladies Club (ALC), Dr. (Mrs) Harshani Bothota, a programme was held on 24 September 2021 to donate Artificial Foot Orthosis (AFO) device to a special need child of Trooper Senarathne UGCK of 6 (Rft) Regiment Sri Lanka Armoured Corps. Mrs. Shiromi Kamalasiri, member of the ALC took initiatives in donating the device. The symbolic donation was carried out by the President of the ALC.
Armour Ladies Club (ALC) under the guidance of Dr. (Mrs) Harshini Bothota, the President of ALC organized a wheelchair donation programme to a differently abled child of Cpl Bandara T S of 1st Reconnaissance Regiment, with the contribution of Mrs. Dulashi Meepagala, the Secretary of the ALC.
The 22nd Annual General Meeting of Armour Ladies Club was held on 21st March 2021 at Rock House camp with the participation of many spouses of Cavalry Officers. Dr. (Mrs) Harshini Bothota, President of the Armour Ladies Club graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The meeting was commenced its’ proceedings with the lightning of traditional oil lamp and subsequently, two-minute of silence was observed in remembrance of all fallen war heroes.
The Prize Giving of the Raffle Draw - 2020 organized by the Armour Ladies Club (ALC) was held at the – Rock House Camp on 6 March 2021.
Armour Ladies Club bade a farewell to its’ outgoing member, Mrs. Ruvini Ariyarathne at Cavalry Officers’ Mess – Rock House Camp on 6 March 2021.
The new President of Sri Lanka Armoured Corps Ladies Club, Dr (Mrs) Harshini Bothota assumed duties on 24 February 2021 at Rock House Camp.
The Raffle Draw of Armour Ladies Club held on 06 October 2020 at Rock House Camp as a fund raising project under the patronage of Mrs Piumali Thillekerathne, the President Armour Ladies Club.