23rd January 2018 15:30:46 Hours
1st Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps successfully completed the 1st Battalion Training Course on 27th December 2017 held at the Battalion Training School of 68 Division in Putthukudiruppu, MULLAITHIVU.
23rd January 2018 15:30:46 Hours
Signal Officers' annual escapade in line with the last quarterly Training Day of the year 2017 was held at the Laya Resort premises in Kukuleganga on 30th and 31st December 2017 in a well harmonized milieu with their family members. The entire programme was organized and conducted by Signals Regimental Centre as directed by the Colonel Commandant Major General B H M A Wijesinghe USP ndu psc and under the supervision of the Director IT Brig D A P N Dematanpitiya ndu psc.
23rd January 2018 15:30:46 Hours
5th Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps inaugurated their newly constructed Regiment Headquarters building at a ceremonial opening held on 03 January 2018 at the camp premises in Menerigama, PADUKKA. This special occasion was organized in line with the 24th Anniversary Celebrations of the unit that fall on 2nd January 1994.
23rd January 2018 15:30:46 Hours
Sri Lanka Signal Corps marked a historical success by becoming both Men and Women Champions at the end of the first ever Inter Regiment and Injured War Heroes Chess Championship of the Sri Lanka Army.
23rd January 2018 15:30:44 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:30:44 Hours
The 12th Regiment SLSC (CS) presented military honours and warm greetings to the newly-appointed Colonel Commandant and Chief Signal Officer (CSO), Major General B H M A Wijesinghe USP ndu psc during his maiden visit to the Regiment located at the Signal Regimental Headquarters premises in Panagoda on Monday, 08 May 2017.
23rd January 2018 15:30:44 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:30:44 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:30:44 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:30:44 Hours