


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.


1 Number of Pennenent Houses Constructed 767
2 Construction of Hospitals/ Pre Schools/ Schools and Children 23
3 Number of bicycles Distributed to Students 1,120
4 Number of Schoolships and Stationaries awarded 11,322
5 Number of School Children Welfare Progranuns 73
6 Number of Wheel Chairs and Artificial Limbs Distributed 193
7 Number of Spectacles Distributed and Catract Surgeries Conducted 4,786
8 Water Supply Projects and Constructions of Tanks 44
9 Tree Planting Programmes and Coconut Plants Distribution Progranune 32
10 Dengue Programmes 169
11 Renovate the Road and Bridges 3
  • Dry Ration Packs for Low Income Families in Uduvil - Jaffna

    10th September 2023 12:48:06 Hours

    With the aim of providing economic assistance to low income families in Uduvil - Jaffna, a dry ration distribution programme was conducted on 06 September 2023.

  • Troops Assisted Todouse Fire at Coir Mil – Muhawil, Iyyakachchi

    09th September 2023 15:48:22 Hours

    Troops of 52 Infantry Division assisted to mitigate the fire, which broke out in Coir Mill at Muhavil, Iyyakachchion 8 September 2023. More than 60 troops were engaged to extinguish the fire in numerous ways.

  • Distribution of School Bags for School Children

    03rd September 2023 21:04:15 Hours

    50 students in Valvettithurai Chithambaram College were provided with school bags by 11 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment of the 521 Infantry Brigade under command to the 52 Infantry Division and Security Forces - Jaffna on 25 August 2023 through the sposponsorship given by England-based ‘Chesnut Foundation’...

  • The Army Coordinates Scholarships for Students in Jaffna

    03rd September 2023 21:02:02 Hours

    The 4th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment coordinates scholarships for two children, who are under the ages of five and nine with the financial assistance of a donor as one of their programmes to uplift the education of children living in Nelliady and Point Pedro.

  • School Accessories and Saplings Donation Programme By 553 Infantry Brigade Leaves A Lasting Impact in Ramanathapuram

    02nd September 2023 19:04:27 Hours

    The 553 Infantry Brigade, under the leadership of Brigadier Saman Perera RSP, embarked on a transformative journey to give back to the community by organising a remarkable school accessory and sapling donation programme on 31 August 2023...

  • 513 Infantry Brigade Troops Provide Lunch to Elders at Sivapoomi Home

    25th August 2023 11:47:17 Hours

    Under the guidance of General Officer Commanding, 51 Infantry Division, Major General Wajira Welagedara RSP VSV USP ndc and direction of the Commander, 513 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier MR Razick RSP, 20 male and 36 female elderly people enjoyed the Army hospitality before they were entertained with live music. In addition, a stock of essentials was also donated to the Sivapoomi Elders Home for the benefit of the inmates.

  • Jaffna Troops Renovate Government Tamil Mixed School, Chunnale

    25th August 2023 11:41:51 Hours

    The 4th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment in coordination with “Vanni Aid Canada" organization and upon receiving financial assistance, constructed buildings, sanitary facilities, landscaping, staffs’ rest room, main entrance, water tank and perimeter wall of the school.

  • 513 Infantry Brigade Troops Donate Blood to Tellipalei Base Hospital

    24th August 2023 15:45:55 Hours

    513 Infantry Brigade initiates another humanitarian intervention to be in line with the forthcoming 28th Brigade Day Anniversary. A blood donation campaign was organized by the troops of the 513 Infantry Brigade with the collaboration of Tellipalei Base Hospital, under the conceptual guidance of the Commander, Security Forces – Jaffna, Major General SRK Hettiarachchi RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc on 19 August 2023.

  • Troops Conducted a Shramadana Campaign at Amman Kovil

    21st August 2023 12:34:46 Hours

    With the aim of developing harmony between the tamil community and the Army, a shramadana campaign was conducted at the Amman Kovil located in the area of J/301 Kovilkudueruppu Gramasewa Division on 19th August 2023, with the participation of Officers and Other Ranks of the 7th Battalion Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment.

  • Troops of 553 Infantry Brigade Provide Shelter for a Needy Family in Puththadi Village

    20th August 2023 14:55:29 Hours

    The 553 Infantry Brigade has undertaken another benevolent endeavour by initiating constructions of a partially built house of a well deserving family residing in Puththadi Village, Viuamadu. As per the conceptual guidance of Major General SRK Hettiarachchi RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc...