


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.


1 Number of Pennenent Houses Constructed 767
2 Construction of Hospitals/ Pre Schools/ Schools and Children 23
3 Number of bicycles Distributed to Students 1,120
4 Number of Schoolships and Stationaries awarded 11,322
5 Number of School Children Welfare Progranuns 73
6 Number of Wheel Chairs and Artificial Limbs Distributed 193
7 Number of Spectacles Distributed and Catract Surgeries Conducted 4,786
8 Water Supply Projects and Constructions of Tanks 44
9 Tree Planting Programmes and Coconut Plants Distribution Progranune 32
10 Dengue Programmes 169
11 Renovate the Road and Bridges 3
  • Soldiers Offer Free Lunch for Muhamale Preschool Students

    01st October 2023 07:35:32 Hours

    Troops of 23rd Gemunu Watch offered a free balanced meal for the students of Ilanatthrendala Preschool, Muhamalai on 27th September 2023...

  • 511 Infantry Brigade Organized a Donation Programme at J/Putthur Madihai Panjaseeha Primary School

    24th September 2023 10:18:08 Hours

    As per the guidance of 51 Infantry Division, the troops of 511 Infantry Brigade organized a programme to donate school items for 48 students and books to the library of J/Putthur madihai panjaseeha Primary School with the assistance of Sakya Youth Group headed by the ...

  • Troops Donated School Accessories to Navakkuli Lakdaru Preschool

    23rd September 2023 15:55:25 Hours

    As per the direction of General Officer Commanding - 52 Infantry Division and the under the supervision of Brigade Commander - 523 Infantry Brigade troops of 11 Sri Lanka Engineers organized a donation programme for all students of Navakkuli Lakdaru preschool on 18th September 2023 with the financial assistance of Shakyamuni Temple in Australia.

  • Troops Donated School Accessories at Veletithurai Karaweddi Sri Naradha Vidyalaya

    23rd September 2023 15:50:56 Hours

    As per the direction of General Officer Commanding - 52 Infantry Division, Major General YABM Yahampath RWP RSP ndu psc and under the supervision of Brigade Commander - 521 Infantry Brigade, Colonel MHR Fernando RWP RSP USP, 11 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment troops organized a donation programme for all students at Velvetithurai Karaweddi Sri Naradha Vidyalaya on 18th September 2023 with the financial assistance of Shakyamuni Temple in Australia.

  • Congregation of Army and Government Officials

    23rd September 2023 15:42:02 Hours

    As per the instructions of General Officer Commanding - 52 Infantry Division ‚4th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment under command to 521 Infantry Brigade conducted an interaction programme with Gramasewa Niladharies in Karaweddi and Point Pedroin order to widen the rapprochement between military personal and Gramasewa Niladharies on 17th September 2023.

  • Army Troops Clean the Beach Area of Pointpedro

    20th September 2023 15:16:20 Hours

    As an effective way to bring communities together and make people more appreciative of their common environment, the troops of 521 Infantry Brigade conducted a programme to clean the Point Pedro Beach on 16th September 2023. ...

  • 23rd Battalion the Gemunu Watch Organized a Cleaning Programme

    20th September 2023 15:09:36 Hours

    With the guidance of Commander - 52 Infantry Division, Commander - 522 Infantry Brigade, a cleaning programme was organized by the troops of 23rd Battalion of Gemunu Watch at Mariyamatha Church – Muhamalai on 15th September 2023, ..

  • Troops Conducted Donation Programmes in Line with 28th Anniversary of 51 Infantry Division

    19th September 2023 20:02:38 Hours

    With the financial assistance of Fonterra Company, the troops of 51 Infantry Division in connection with the commemoration of 28th Anniversary of 51 Infantry Division organized a series of programmes on 12th September 2023.

  • 55 Infantry Division Released a Land to the District Secretary - Kilinochchi

    15th September 2023 14:24:08 Hours

    In order to have good will gesture with the civil society and to uplift the standards of sports in schools, Major General SRK Hettiarachchi RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc, Commander, Security Forces - Jaffna on 14th September 2023 released 1 acres 3 roods and 10.52 perches of land in Anandapuram, Kilinochchi, which was utilized by the troops as the Army War Monument.

  • Cleaning of Akkarai Beach by the Troops of 11th Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment

    11th September 2023 15:26:12 Hours

    To strengthen the relationship with Tamil community and as a CIMIC activity, 11th Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment conducted a cleaning programme at Akkarai Beach on 09th September 2023. ...