
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service



Office of Chief Field Engineer is the bridge between the Branches/Directorates/ Offices in Army Headquarters, Ministries, civil authorities with the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers. With the inception of the office, office coordinated all plant military projects which directly influence to the national security.

In the advisory role, this office coordinated number of projects for Military Assistance to Civil Ministries and Civil Communities. Under that, this office coordinated following projects with the liaison with line ministries, other government organisations and civil communities.

  1. Eastern Revival (Neganahira Navodaya). In order to assist the reconstruction and reintegration process of the government this office coordinated number of development projects with line ministries and other civil organizations. This programme was forcused in the development projects in the Eastern Province. Under this programme this office coordinated projects such as; renovation of rural roads, religious places & schools and improvements of other infrastructure facilities.
  2. Northern Spring (Uthuru Wasanthaya). This programme was forcused to develop the infrastructure facilites in Northern Province after the conflict.
  3. Deyata Kirula. ‘Deyata Kirula’ development programme and exibition was held from 2007 to 2014 in follwing areas:
    1. 2007 - Colombo BMICH
    2. 2008 - Colombo BMICH
    3. 2009 - Colombo BMICH
    4. 2010 - Pallekele
    5. 2011 - Buttala
    6. 2012 - Oyamaduwa
    7. 2013 - Ampara
    8. 2014 - Kuliyapitiya
    In the above areas number of development projects were carried out by the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers, such as road development, renovations of schools and other infrastructure developments.
  4. Sirisara Pivisuma Programme. ‘Sirisara Pivisuma’ development programme was forcused in to improve the living standard and infrastructures in Trincomalee District from 2017. Under this development project, number of projects were coordiated by this office such as; Renovations of tanks & irrigation systems, renovation of roads, construction of Elephant fences and other infrastructure developments.
  5. Pibidamu Polonnaruwa Programme. The ‘Pibidemu Polonnaruwa’ development project was initiated to carry out development project at Polonnaruwa district from 2018. In this project, this office coordinated renovations of rural roads, schools, irrigation systems and religious places in order to uplift the living standard of the people.
  6. Grama Shakthi. The Grama Shakthi programme aims at saving the people from poverty and make them better off. This is implemented as the main project to free the country from poverty. This office coordinated with Presidential Sectretariat and line ministries to renovate tanks and irrigation systems in Anuradhapura District.
  7. Gam Peraliya. This project was initiated in 2018 to develop the infrastructure facilities in the country.
  8. Gama Samaga Pilisandara. The Office of Chief Field Engineer coordinated with Presidential Secretariat and line ministries to carry out the task assigned by HE the President to Sri Lanka Army under ‘Gama Samaga Pilisandara’ programme from year 2020. In this project, the Corps was assigned to renovate School/public play grounds, construction of school buildings, construction of public buildings and renovation of tanks.
  9. Wari Saubagya 2020 – 2022. Government planned to renovate 5,000 irrigation systems to enhance the paddy cultivation in Sri Lanka under the government policy of ‘Vistas of Prosperity and Splendor’. This office coordinated to renovate irrigation systems in Mahaveli System ‘L’ (Mullaithivu & Anuradhapura districts) and Kurunegala districts in 2020 - 21.
  10. Sports School Infrastructure Development Project. With the view of improving the sports abilities in school levels, Government implement the Sports School Infrastructure Development Project under the government policy statement of ‘Vistas of Prosperity and Splendor’. This office coordinated with the state ministry in order to carry out the infrastructure improvements in the sports schools.
  11. Development Project of 100,000 km Rural Roads. Government plans to renovate 100,000 km rural roads in island wide under the government policy statement of ‘Vistas of Prosperity and Splendor’. In support of the above project this office coordinated several projects in Galle, Matara, Rathnapura and Kaluthara districts from 2020.
  12. Shrub Jungle Clearance at Mattala Rajapakse International Airport (MRIA). With the request of Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) Limited, this office coordinated to clear the shrub jungle in MRIA. This project facilitated to resume the international flights MRIA base on the international flight standards.
  13. Sandahiruseya Project. With the instruction of Ministry of Defence and the close supervision of this office, Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers provided the all earth moving machine / vehicle requirement from 2010.
  14. Defence Headquarters Construction Project. The earth moving machine/ vehicle requirement for the Defence Headquarters Construction Project is being provided by the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers under the close supervision of this office.
  15. Yali Dakimu Deegavapiya. In support of the government policy to protect and develop the archaeological sites in the eastern province, the corps provided the all earth moving machine and vehicle requirement for the development project at Deegawapiya Temple in Ampara.
  16. Construction of the Entrance Road to the Tower of Strategic Defence Communication Network (SDCN) Project. The construction of the entrance road to the tower of SDCN project at Laggala is being constructed under the supervision of this office.
  17. Construction of Road from Mayladdy - Kadduwan. HE the President assigned to construct the road from Myladdy to Kadduwan in year 2022. The road was constructed with the support of Road Development Authority.
  18. Construction of Tank in Northern Province A memorandum of understanding was signed with the Northern Province Irrigation Department on 29.08.2022 regarding the renovation of the following 03 tanks out of the 14 irrigation systems that were to be started focusing on the Northern Province.
  19. Road to Karagahathanna television and radio transmission towers.
  20. Construction of Pallawarayankaddu, Vannerikkulam road via Nagapadduwan Villu.
  21. Construction of Trincomalee outer circular road.
  22. Construction of Seruvila - Somawathie road.
  23. Construction of "Raja Mawatha" to the Sri Padaya via Palabaddale in two stages.
  24. Re-constructed a 10 mile stretch of roadway between Galewela to Dambulla.
  25. Constructed 3 miles road to connect up the Pannala and Salasumtenne in Walapane.
  26. Construction of 10 miles road on northern perimeter of Yala National Park at Buttala.
  27. Renovation of internal road network of Madhu Church.
  28. Preparation of Playground at Bt/ Pavatkodichchenai Vinayagar Vidyalaya, SFHQ (E) AOR
  29. Earth Moving task in Mu/Vattappalai Maha Vidyalaya - Vattappalei