

"Peacekeeping is not a soldier’s job, but only soldiers can do it"

28th August 2023 14:28:28 Hours


One more contingent of 100 well-trained, meticulously-prepared and professionally-trained Army personnel in the Combat Convoy Company (CCC), designed to serve in the United Nations (UN) Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) left for Mali this evening (23) as the first group of the contingent of 243 troops, set to leave in stages.

Giving a stimulant to their overseas responsibilities, General Shavendra Silva, Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army took time off to arrive at the departure terminal to see them off. Extending best wishes to all of them in the first group for Mali, General Shavendra Silva sharing a few thoughts with Colonel Chandana Jayamaha, Commanding Officer in the Mali-bound CCC (Phase IV), Major W.E.M.C Ekanayake, 2nd in Command of the CCC (Phase IV) and members of the contingent, highlighted the significance of their assignment at this critical hour of the nation.

“You, members of 12 Regiments of the Army have to keep in mind that this UN mission is an endorsement of the acceptance of your professional capabilities. It also showcases the recognition, bestowed upon our country by the UN as a troop contributing country. It is your responsibility and prime duty to safeguard the dignity of our motherland and act with strict discipline and decorum without allowing anyone to interfere with your duties,” the Commander of the Army told the overseas bound troops.

At the same time, General Shavendra Silva speaking to Media had this to say: “Our Sri Lankan troops in Mali are performing a daunting task, irrespective of ground realities. Those roles have come in for praise of those UN Regional Commanders, who have been impressed with our professional standards. While providing security to people of this country, our Protectors of the Nation continue to bring home much- needed foreign exchange at a time when the country is faced with economic challenges. We would not deviate from the role of protecting this land and her people at any cost. It was the Army with the support of the Police who controlled violence that erupted on 9th May within 24 hours. The support the public gave to us was enormous and we urge all Sri Lankans to coorporate with us all the time.”, he told Media.

General Shavendra Silva, together with a few senior officers met all of them at the airport and offered their greetings and best wishes before they boarded the flight to Mali in West Africa.

Earlier on 04 May 2022, the Mali-bound CCC presented a formal military salute to the Commander of the Army at the Regimental Centre Gemunu Watch (GW) in Ratnapura since GW troops made the major share to this CCC. The 4th contingent of the CCC commenced its training in IPSOTSL Kukuleganga and Maduruoya several months ago before their final preparations.

The CCC is comprised of Army Officers and Other Ranks of the Gemunu Watch (GW), the majority in the contingent as well as members of the Sri Lanka Armoured Corps (SLAC), Sri Lanka Engineers (SLE), Sri Lanka Signal Corps (SLSC), Mechanized Infantry Regiment (MIR), Corps of Engineer Services (CES), Sri Lanka Army Service Corps (SLASC), Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps (SLAOC), Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (SLEME), Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP), Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps (SLAMC) and the Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps (SLAGSC).

Major General Vikum Liyanage, Chief of Staff, Major General Indu Samarakoon, Army Logistic Commander, Major General Nishantha Manage, Director General General Staff, Major General Swarna Bhothota, Adjutant General, Major General Prasad Edirisingha , Rector ,Southern Campus KDU, Major General Udaya Kumara, Director General Personal Administration, Brigadier Shantha Ranaweera, Director Operation and Director Overseas Operation, few senior officers, Officers and Other Ranks were at the airport to bid goodbye to them.